O-zone - Timpul trece fără noi
Si timpul trece fara noi, cu tot ce-a fost,
Ramane numai amintirea, fara rost.
Eu te iubesc cum te-am iubit, tu m-ai uitat,
Din clipa-n care, ai plecat. "Timpul trece greu, stiu si nu mai vreau s-astept, gandul mi-e pustiu, dorinta arde-n piept, arde si
iubirea fara chipul tau, simte despartirea, tu o simti mereu, nu stiu cat de mult tii acum la mine,
totul a trecut, stiu dar mult din mine, trecea pe nesimtit, candva iubirea moare, ce nu putem uita
nicicand, nu sunt in stare." Si timpul trece fara noi, cu tot ce-a fost,
Ramane numai amintirea, fara rost.
Eu te iubesc cum te-am iubit, tu m-ai uitat,
Din clipa-n care, ai plecat. "Timpul trece greu, cand trece fara noi, fara de iubirea, ce-am impartit in doi, nu mai cred ca
timpul, ma va lecui, nu mai cred acum ca vei veni-ntro zi, ti-am iertat privirea, fara de raspuns,
lacrimile care nicicand nu le-am ascuns, traiesc cu amintiri, gandul mi-e pustiu, stiu ca fara tineO-zone - Timpul trece fără noi - http://ru.motolyrics.com/o-zone/timpul-trece-fara-noi-lyrics-english-translation.html
si astazi am sa fiu, si astazi am sa fiu."
Fara tine. Si astazi am sa fiu. Fara tine. Si timpul trece fara noi, cu tot ce-a fost,
Ramane numai amintirea, fara rost.
Eu te iubesc cum te-am iubit, tu m-ai uitat,
Din clipa-n care, ai ... Si timpul trece fara noi, cu tot ce-a fost,
Ramane numai amintirea, fara rost.
Eu te iubesc cum te-am iubit, tu m-ai uitat,
Din clipa-n care, ai plecat. "Timpul trece fara noi, si ma lasa-nchis in sine, fara tine, tu si eu, vom ramane doar in timpul ce
ne mai apartine."
Si timpul trece fara noï. Plecat, plecat, plecat, plecat, plecat, plecat,
plecat, plecat, plecat...
O-zone - Time passes without us (Английский перевод)
And time passes without us, with all that has been,
Only memory remains, useless.
I love you as I loved you, you forgot me,
From the moment in which you left.
"Time passes with difficulty, I also know I don't want to wait any more, my mind is a wasteland, desire burns in my chest, love burns too without your face, it feels the separation, you feel it forever, I don't know how much you hold for me now, everything has passed, but I know much within me passed imperceptibly, sometimes love dies, that we can never forget, I can't."
And time passes without us, with all that has been,
Only memory remains, useless.
I love you as I loved you, you forgot me,
From the moment in which you left.
"Time passes with difficulty, when it passes without us, without love, that we shared in two, I don't believe any more that time will heal me, now I don't believe any more that you'll come someday, I forgave your look, without a response, the tears that I never hid, I live with the memories, my mind is a wasteland, I know that today I will be without you, that today too I will be without you."
And today I will be. Without you.
And time passes without us, with all that has been,O-zone - Timpul trece fără noi - http://ru.motolyrics.com/o-zone/timpul-trece-fara-noi-lyrics-english-translation.html
Only memory remains, useless.
I love you as I loved you, you forgot me,
From the moment in which you...
And time passes without us, with all that has been,
Only memory remains, useless.
I love you as I loved you, you forgot me,
From the moment in which you left.
"Time passes without us, and it leaves me locked inside myself, without you, you and I, we will remain only in the time that still belongs to us."
And time passes without us...Gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away....