No Name - Lekná
Čakám na teba, na ničom nezáleží,
neviem zaspať a dobre sa mi leží
a celé mesto zožierajú stresy
a mňa otázka kde si. Spolieham sa na to, že príde zmena,
možno prídeš ty len ináč nalíčená,
milujem ten pocit, keď sa ozve pri dverách;
smiem vojsť a úsmev na perách. Vytrhal som v parku z jazera
všetky biele lekná
nech aj ochranári vedia,
že za to stojíš a že si pekná. Iba s tebou to má zmysel robiť všetko inak,
ruka v ruke jasná myseľ, ja cítím že si iná.
Vďaka tebe poznám pocit dosiaľ nepoznaný,
milovať je krásne, no krajšíe je byť milovaný. Keď ráno pôjdeš preč, napíš prosím peromNo Name - Lekná -
súradnice akým pôjdeš smerom.
A kým to jazero v parku niekto oplotí
tak ja ti pôjdem oproti. Vytrhal som v parku z jazera
všetky biele lekná
nech aj ochranári vedia,
že za to stojíš a že si pekná. Iba s tebou to má zmysel robiť všetko inak,
ruka v ruke jasná myseľ, ja cítím že si iná.
Vďaka tebe poznám pocit dosiaľ nepoznaný,
milovať je krásne, no krajšíe je byť milovaný. Iba s tebou to má zmysel robiť všetko inak,
ruka v ruke jasná myseľ, js cítím že si iná.
Vďaka tebe poznám pocit dosiaľ nepoznaný,
milovať je krásne, no krajšíe je byť milovaný.
No Name - Water Lilies (Английский перевод)
I'm waiting for you, nothing matters,
I can't sleep and I'm lying quite comfortably
and the whole city's being eaten alive by stress
and for me, it's the question of where you are.
I'm depending on an upcoming change,
maybe you'll come, only with a different make-up,
I love that feeling, when a voice sounds from the door;
'Can I come in?' and a smile on (your) lips.
From the parks lake, I plucked out
all the white water lilies,
so the environmental activists know as well,
that you're worth it, and that you're pretty.
Doing everything differently makes sense only with you,
hand in hand, clear mind, I can feel you're different.
Thanks to you, I know a feeling that I hadn't known before,
it's great to love, but it's better to be loved.
When you're leaving in the morning, please write down with a penNo Name - Lekná -
the coordinates, which way you'll be going
and until someone puts a fence around that lake,
I'll go meet you.
From the parks lake, I plucked out
all the white water lilies,
so the environmental activists know as well,
that you're worth it, and that you're pretty.
Doing everything differently makes sense only with you,
hand in hand, clear mind, I can feel you're different.
Thanks to you, I know a feeling that I hadn't known before,
it's great to love, but it's better to be loved.
Doing everything differently makes sense only with you,
hand in hand, clear mind, I can feel you're different.
Thanks to you, I know a feeling that I hadn't known before,
it's great to love, but it's better to be loved.