Nimeni Altu’ - Simple consecinte
Cineva aproape a ajuns... Jhivago:Ai grija ce faci,ce spui
Unele vorbe s-au [?] dupa ce taci si spui
Samanta unui din cei dragi si pui
In situatia de a te lasa sa ajungi a nimanui
Si poate crezi ca nu-i...totul pierdut
Asa ca si tatal care si-a crescut
Copilul in pumni o viata
Pana cand s-a trezit cu o mana in gat si i s-a spus in fatza
Ca daca il mai atinge ii rupe gura
Prezentul isi gaseste in trecut masura
Asa ca orice pas in fatza costa,invata
Altfel o sa-ti fie dor de fosta fatza
Cand o sa te privesti in oglinda
Esti vinovat,dar speri ca nimeni nu o sa se prinda
Cauti solutii...paharul se tot umple dar
Nu-i nimeni cu care sa stai la discutii
Cedeaza,e prea tarziu,nu mai conteaza! Refren x2 (Nimeni Altu') Te plangi ca lumea nu te mai iubeste,dar n-ai habar
Ca tot ce ti se intampla acum e normal
Sunt doar simple consecinte,cei dragi dispar
Cand esti avar,sentimente apar mai rar! Nimeni Altu':Mai fine...
Spun acum ca toate curvele din lume nu poa' sa-ti aline
Durerea ce-o porti in tine
Pana si noptile senine sau zilele pline
Dar sarim de gandul ca va fi bine
Si banii n-o sa te ajute cum nu ma pot ajuta nici pe mineNimeni Altu’ - Simple consecinte -
Ia aminte:
Pastreaza aceste cuvinte sfinte
Priveste inainte,da toate-napoi
Si-apoi citeste despre ciocoi
Sunt unii vechi si alti noi
Si-o sa vezi ca tu de aproape 2
Ani ai devenit exact unul dintre ciocoii noi
Tu nu mai esti ca noi,esti a lor acum
Ochii tai sunt goi
Sa mor prevad c-o sa ma-ntorc sa ma razbun pe toti ca un strigoi
Pana si fratelui tau ii faci rau prin tot ce faci si ce spui
In curand o sa-l faci pe Diavol sa se teama pentru slujba lui
Stiu ca n-ai cui sa-i spui ca esti defapt un om bun
Cum sa te creada acum copii tai cand i-ai lasat desculti pe drum?
Din fum...apar
Tu n-o sa ma vezi niciodata clar
Pentru ca tot tu esti cel care m-a facut sa dispar
Si cu un singur zar se poate intoarce roata
Dar e-n zadar sa mai visezi cand vezi c-asta ti-e soarta
Ti s-a inchis poarta catre pacea sufleteasca
Si moartea o sa te gaseasca singur si trist acasa! Refren x2 (Nimeni Altu') Te plangi ca lumea nu te mai iubeste,dar n-ai habar
Ca tot ce ti se intampla acum e normal
Sunt doar simple consecinte,cei dragi dispar
Cand esti avar,sentimente apar mai rar! Si-acum,va rog sa ma lasati sa-mi termin,eu,pana la ultima mea suflare,voi fi de partea celor asupriti! Si-acum,ia-ti ramas bun de la tinuturile acestea,de care te despartï pentru totdeauna!
Nimeni Altu’ - Simple consequences (Английский перевод)
Somebody has almost arrived
Be careful what you do, what you say
Some words have been [?] after you become silent and say
The seed of one from the loved ones and you put
In the situation of leting you become nobodies
And maybe you believe it's not....everything lost
Like the father who brought up
His child in fists a lifetime
Until he found himself with a hand on his neck and was told in his face
That if he touches him again he will break his mouth
The present finds it's measure in the past
So that every stept ahead matters, learn
Otherwise you will miss your old face
When you will look in the mirror
You are guilty, but you are hoping noone will notice
You search for solutions...the glass keeps filling up
There is noone whom you could talk to
Give up, it's too late, it doesnt matter anymore!
Refren x2 (Nimeni Altu')
You'r weeping that the world doesnt love you anymore, but you have no idea
That everything that happens to you now is normal
There are just simple consequences, loved ones dissapear
When you are miser, feelings show up more rarely
Hey well
I'm telling now that all the B*tches in the world can't soothe
The pain you bear inside you
Even the unruffled nights and full days
But we leave out the thought that it will be fine
And money won't help you like I can't help myself eitherNimeni Altu’ - Simple consecinte -
Keep these holly words
Look forward, give everything back
And after read about the chicories
There are some old and others new
And you will see that from almost two
Years you have become exactly one of the new chicories
You'r no more like one of us, your are theirs now
Your eyes are empty
I prevail that i will die and will be back to get my revenge on everbody like a ghost
I will hurt even your brother for everything you do and say
Soon you will make the devil fear for his job
I know you have noone to tell that you are a good man
How could you children believe you now, when you left them in the streets barefoot?
From smoke...appear
You will never see me clearly
Because you are the one who made me dissapear
And with a single die the wheel can be turned
But it's in vain to dream about me when you see this is your destiny
Your door to psychical peace has been closed
And death will find you alone and sad at home!
Refren x2 (Nimeni Altu')
You'r weeping that the world doesnt love you anymore, but you have no idea
That everything that happens to you now is normal
There are just simple consequences, loved ones dissapear
When you are miser, feelings show up more rarely
And now, please let me finish,me, until my last breathe, I'll be on the side of the opressed ones!
And now, say goodbye to these realms, of which you depart forever!