Nil Karaibrahimgil - Resmen Aşığım
Sanki o putmuş gibi
Hayat sırf buymuş gibi
Ham aç hem tokmuş gibi
Hem var hem yokmuş gibi
Ben ona resmen aşığım Onu benden almasınlar
Bize bulaşmasınlar
Arayıp sormasınlar
Kıskandırıp durmasınlar
Ben ona resmen aşığım Hem ilk hem sonmuş gibi
En güzeli oymuş gibi
Bunca yıl beklemiş gibi
Beklediğime değmiş gibi
Ben ona resmen... Şeytanla bir olmuş gibiNil Karaibrahimgil - Resmen Aşığım -
Küt diye gidecek gibi
Her yöne sapacak
Ne yaptıysam yapacak gibi
Ben ona resmen aşığım Onu benden almasınlar
Bize bulaşmasınlar
Arayıp sormasınlar
Kıskandırıp durmasınlar
Ben ona resmen aşığım Hem ilk hem sonmuş gibi
En güzeli oymuş gibi
Bunca yıl beklemiş gibi
Beklediğime değmiş gibi
Ben ona resmen... İyi ki yapmışım
İyi ki yapmışım
Nil Karaibrahimgil - I'm Seriously In Love With Him (Английский перевод)
As if he's an idol
As if he's the only source for life
As if I'm hungry and satiated at the same time
As if he exists and he's absent at the same time
I'm literally in love with him
They shouldn't take him from me
They shouldn't disturb us
They shouldn't ask it all the time
They shouldn't make me jealous
I'm literally in love with him
As if he's the first and the last one
As if he's the most beautiful one
As if I've waited for ages
As if it's worth waiting
I'm seriously....
As if he's associated with satanNil Karaibrahimgil - Resmen Aşığım -
As if he's about to go
As if he can change his mind
As if he'll do anything that I do
I'm literally in love with him
They shouldn't take him from me
They shouldn't disturb us
They shouldn't ask it all the time
They shouldn't make me jealous
I'm literally in love with him
As if he's the first and the last one
As if he's the most beautiful one
As if I've waited for ages
As if it worths waiting
I'm seriously....
I'm glad that I've done it
I'm glad that I've done it