Nikola Sofranac - Ni prvi, ni posljedjni
Ne gledaj me tako, zatvori te oci
il okrena glavu bar
da ne vidim lice, da ne vidim tugu koju ti ne osecas
ja sam vec odavno izgubio srce
sad nema nista u meni
ti si me izludila, ti si me i zbunila
idi, ostani verna sebi
kad nisi mogla ostati meni sve sam ti dao ja
a tebi nikad dosta
nista ne osecam
osim mrznju u sebiNikola Sofranac - Ni prvi, ni posljedjni -
nisi me volela
a svaki dan mi rekla da sam ti ja prvi i posljednji
a sad si OPET SA NJIM OOOOH Ne gledaj me tako, zatvori te oci
il okrena glavu bar
da ne vidim lice, da ne vidim tugu koju ti ne osecas
ja sam vec odavno izgubio srce
sad nema nista u meni
ti si me izludila, ti si me i zbunila
idi, ostani verna sebi
kad nisi mogla ostati meni
Nikola Sofranac - Ni prvi, ni posljedjni (Английский перевод)
Don't look at my like that, close those eyes
or turn your head at least
not to see the face, not to see affliction which you doesn't feel
I lost my heart long time ago
now there's nothing in me
you've driven me mad, you baffled me too
go (away), keep being true to yourself ("be faithful to yourself")
when you couldn't be faithful to me
I gave you everything
but that was never enough for you
I feel nothing
but hate inside of meNikola Sofranac - Ni prvi, ni posljedjni -
you didn't love me
but you were telling me that I am your first and the last (man)
and now you are AGAIN WITH HIM OOOH
Don't look at my like that, close those eyes
or turn your head at least
not to see the face, not to see affliction which you doesn't feel*
I lost my heart long time ago
now there's nothing in me
you've driven me mad, you baffled me too
go (away), keep being true to yourself
when you couldn't be faithful to me