Neki to vole vruce - Medu moj i šećeru
Lažljivci su otišli
Kradljivci su zaspali
Medu moj i seceru
Hajde da se ljubimo Prevaranti putuju
Dobre vile luduju
Medu moj i seceru
Hajde da se ljubimo Nemoj da se gubimo
Nemoj da se trazimo
Medu moj i seceru
Medu moj i seceru Uzmi me za ruku i vodi me
Kroz sareno voce, u bespuceNeki to vole vruce - Medu moj i šećeru -
U daleke mirisne gradove
Do tebe, moje secerne kraljice Prevaranti putuju
Dobre vile luduju
Medu moj i seceru
Hajde da se ljubimo Nemoj da se gubimo
Nemoj da se trazimo
Medu moj i seceru
Medu moj i seceru Uzmi me za ruku i vodi me
Kroz sareno voce, u bespuce
U daleke mirisne gradove
Do tebe, moje secerne kraljice
Neki to vole vruce - My honey and sugar (Английский перевод)
Liars are gone
Stealers fell asleep
Honey my and sugar
Let's go kissing
Cheaters are travelling
Good fairies are going crazy
Honey my and sugar
Let's go kissing
Don't get lose each other
Don't get search each other
Honey my and sugar
Honey my and sugar
Take my hand and lead me
Through the colourfull fruits,into nowhereNeki to vole vruce - Medu moj i šećeru -
In a far away smelling cities
To you,my sugar queen
Cheaters are travelling
Good fairies are going crazy
Honey my and sugar
Let's go kissing
Don't get lose each other
Don't get search each other
Honey my and sugar
Honey my and sugar
Take my hand and lead me
Through the colourfull fruits,into nowhere
In a far away smelling cities
To you,my sugar queen