Nazanin - e Maryam
گل مريم
واي گل سرخ و سپيدم
کي ميايي
بنفشه برگ بيدم
کي ميايي
تو گفتي گل درآيد من ميايم
واي گل عالم تموم شد کي ميايي جان مريم چشماتو واكن
منو صدا كن
شد هوا سفيد
در اومد خورشيد
وقت اون رسيد
كه بريم به صحرا
آي نازنين مريم
جان مريم چشماتو واكن
منو صدا كن
بشيم روونه
بريم از خونه
شونه به شونهNazanin - e Maryam -
به ياد اون روزها
واي نازنين مريم
باز دوباره صبح شد
من هنوز بيدارم
اي كاش ميخوابيدم
تورو خواب ميديدم
خوشه غم
توي دلم
زده جوونه
دونه بدونه
دل نمي دونه
چه كنه با اين همه غم
واي نازنين مريم
بيا رسيد وقت درو
مال مني از پيشم نرو
بيا سر كارمون بريم
درو كنيم گندمارو
بيا بيا نازنين مريم
Nazanin - My Dear Maryam (Английский перевод)
O flower
oh! my red and wihte flower
when would you come?
O my Violet, my willow's leaf
when would you come?
you said: when the flower opens(Dehisce) I'd come
Oh! all the flowers in the world have opened. so when would you come?
Oh dear Maryam, open your eyes
call me(call my name)
the air became bright(it is morning)
the sun rised
it's time to...
go to the desert
Oh, dear maryam
Oh dear Maryam, open your eyes
call me(call my name)
let's go
let's leave the home
soulder by shoulder (together)Nazanin - e Maryam -
in the memory of those days
Oh, dear maryam
it is morning again
I'm still awake
I wish I could sleep
and see you in dreams
the brunch of sorrow
in my heart
has grown
one by one
the heart doesnt know...
what does he do with this sorrow
oh dear nazanin
come, it is harvest
you are mine, don't leave me
let's go to work
and harvest the wheats
come on. come on, dear nazanin