Natasa Bekvalac - Idu Dani
On je bio poseban
Umeo je da pleni
Da budi nemir u meni
Pored njega sigurna
O, Boze kako sam bila
Tu ispod njegovog krila
Verovala sam mu slepo
Lako bilo je lagao je dobro, najbolje
Idu dani, prodje godina
Zaplakati necu
Zbog njega nijednomNatasa Bekvalac - Idu Dani -
Al' jos uvek kada vidim ga
Jos mi nije ravno I nije svejedno
Imao je oci pitome
Sto teraju po svome
Bio je dobar u tome
I malo vise godina
Tek toliko da ume
Uvek da me razume
Verovala sam mu slepo
Lako bilo je lagao je dobro, najbolje
Natasa Bekvalac - Days go By (Английский перевод)
He was special
he knew how to loot
how to awaken the restlessness in me
next to him I was safe
O, God I used to be
there under his wing
I trusted him blindly
it was easy he lied so good, the best
Days go by, a year passes
but I won't cryNatasa Bekvalac - Idu Dani -
over him, not once
but still when I see him
I'm not indifferent and it's not all the same
He had gentle
agonistic eyes
he was good in it
for many years
Just enough to be able
always to understand me
I trusted him blindly
it was easy he lied so good, the best