Mohsen Chavoshi - Khakestar
vaghti ke raft o mano az yad bord
har chi ke dashtam he ro bad bord to konje ozlate khodam neshastam
har chi ke ayene door zadam shekastam zakhme zaboona ro be joon kharidam
az hame hatta az khodam boridam che eshghe naravaee
che darde bi davaee che zakhme natamomiMohsen Chavoshi - Khakestar -
che sarneveshte shoomi ba toam, ey ke aberomo bordi
koshti mano, amma khodet namordi mese ye kaboos omadi o rafti
atish be zendegim zadi o rafti
rafti o man mondam o khakestaram
balaye to kash nemiomad saram
Mohsen Chavoshi - Ash (Английский перевод)
when she left and forgot me
the wind got whatever I had
I sat in my loneliness
I broke all mirrors
I accepted all diatribes with my whole heart
I cut my relationship with anyone even myself
what an unjust love
what a pain which there is no cure for
what a wound which there is no end forMohsen Chavoshi - Khakestar -
what an unlucky destination
I'm telling you, that one who made me disgraced
you killed me but you didn't die
you came and went like a nightmare
you burnt my life and went
you went an I stayed with my ash
I wish whatever you did(your torture), never would have happend to me