
Born In The Eighties перевод на Румынский

Текст песни

Milow - Born In The Eighties

I grew up in the nineties
At least that's what I tried
Looking for ways to be satisfied
I went to San Diego to try out my luck
Came back 12 months later
And again I was stuck
I felt like a goldfish stuck in a bowl
I was waiting for something
That I could control
After 2000 no longer a kid
The world didn't end but something else did
When my father takes off I'm already 19
He wasn't as happy as I thought he seemed
If this is my screenplay I don't like my role
But these are the things
That you can't control
Although I feel a lot older I'm just 23
If you're looking for answers
Don't come to me
Instead of a future I've got a guitar
But dreaming out loud wo'nt get me far
Still I feel I'm ready for rock 'n roll
There might be something that I can control
By the time I hit 30 I'll have enough
Of being a twentysomething in love
My friends will all be married
Or they will be goneMilow - Born In The Eighties -
I'll still be wondering what's going on
If that's what it takes then I'll sell my soul
As long as there's something that I can control
One day I'll wake up and I'll be 38
Doing the things that I used to hate
The trick to forget the bigger picture is when
You look at everything in close-up
As often as you can
Our revolution is covered in mold
There's only so much that you can control
This is no anthem becasue anthems are proud
And pride isn't something that this is about
I shouldn't care shouldn't care
But I do and that's sometimes
Too hard to bear
Still walking the same road
With my schoes full of holes
Just waiting for something that we can control
If I ever reach 50 or 65
Too early to tell if I'll still be alive
We were bron in the eighties and now we are here
My generation's dream will disappear
I'm at a graveyard passing the rows
A silent surrender we'll never get close
This is my story
You swallowed it whole
About us feeling the need to be in control

Румынский перевод

Milow - Nascut in anii '80 (Румынский перевод)

Am crescut in anii '90, sau cel putin, asta am incercat,
Tot cautind feluri de a fi multumit.
M-am dus in San Diego sa-mi incerc norocul,
m-am intors 12 luni mai tirziu si iarasi m-am impotmolit.
Ma simteam ca un pestisor de aur prins intr-un bol,
Asteptam ceva in afara controlului meu
Dupa anul 2000, nu mai eram un pustan,
Lumea nu a luat sfirsit, altceva in schimb, s-a sfirsit,
Cind tatal meu a plecat, am deja 19 ani,
Nu era atit de fericit pe cit eu credeam ca parea,
daca acesta este scenariul meu, nu-mi place rolul,
Astea sunt lucruri ce nu pot fi controlate.

Desi ma simt mult mai in virsta, am doar 23 de ani,
Daca cauti raspunsuri, nu veni la mine,
In loc de viitor, am o chitara,
Dar visind in voce tare nu o sa ajung departe,
Oricum, simt ca sunt gata pentru rock'n roll,
Ar putea fi ceva ce pot controla,
Inainte sa implinesc 30 de ani, o sa fiu satul
Sa tot fiu un indragostit de 20 si ceva de ani,
Toti prietenii mei vor fi casatoriti sau vor fi plecati,Milow - Born In The Eighties -
Pe cind eu voi continua sa ma intreb ce se intimpla,
Daca va fi necesar, imi voi vinde sufletul,
atita timp cit va ramine ceva sub controlul meu.

Intr-o buna zi ma voi trezi si voi avea 38 de ani,
Voi face lucrurile ce inainte le uram.
Secretul pentru a uita imaginea de ansamblu
E sa te uiti la lucruri indeaproape cit mai des posibil,
Revolutia noastra e mucegaita,
Nu poti controla totul,
Asta nu e un imn, fiind ca imnurile sunt mindre,
Si acest cintec nu e despre mindrie,
Nu ar trebui sa-mi pese, nu ar trebui sa-mi pese,
Dar imi pasa si uneori e insuportabil,
Colind aceleasi drumuri cu papucii gauriti,
Tot asteptind ceva ce nu putem controla.

Daca ajung sa am 50 sau 65 de ani,
E prea devreme sa spun daca voi fi in viata,
Am fost nascuti in anii '80 si acum suntem aici,
visul generatiei mele va disparea,
Sunt la un cimitir, plimbindu-ma printre rinduri,
Un mut capitulat nu se va apropia.

Aceasta mi-e povestea, ati inghitit-o intreaga,
Despre noi si nevoia noastra de a controla totul.

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