Miley Cyrus - See You Again
I've got my sight set on you,
And I'm ready to aim,
I have a heart that will,
Never be tamed,
I knew you were something special
When you spoke my name,
Now I can't wait, to see you again...
I've got a way of knowing,
When something is right,
I feel like I must have known you,
In another life,
Cause I felt this deep connection,
When you looked in my eyes,
Now I can't wait to see you again,
The last time I freaked out,
I just kept looking down,
I st-st-stuttered when
You asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout
Felt like I couldn't breathe
You asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Lesley said:
"Oh she's just being Miley!"
The next time we hang out,
I will redeem myself,
My heart can't rest till then,
Whoa! Whoa! I,
I can't wait to see you again,
I got this crazy feeling
Deep inside
When you called and asked to see me
Tomorrow night,
I'm not a mind reader,
But I'm reading the signsMiley Cyrus - See You Again -
That you can't wait to see me again
The last time I freaked out,
I just kept looking down,
I st-st-stuttered when
You asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout
Felt like I couldn't breathe,
You asked what's wrong with me,
My best friend Lesley said:
"She's just being Miley!"
The next time we hang out,
I will redeem myself
My heart can't rest till then,
Whoa! Whoa! I,
I can't wait to see you again,
I've got my sight set on you,
And I'm ready to aim,
The last time I freaked out,
I just kept looking down,
I st-st-stuttered when
You asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout
Felt like I couldn't breathe,
You asked what's wrong with me,
My best friend Lesley said:
"She's just being Miley"
The next time we hang out,
I will redeem myself
My heart can't rest till then,
Whoa! Whoa! I,
I can't wait to see you again,
Whoa! Whoa! I,
I can't wait to see you again.
Miley Cyrus - See you again (Румынский перевод)
Am privirea spre tine şi sunt pregătită să ţintesc
Am o inimă care nu va fi niciodată îmblânzită
Am ştiut că eşti ceva special când mi-ai pronunţat numele
Acum sunt nerăbdătoare să te văd din nou
Am un mod de a şti când ceva este bine
Mă simt de parcă te-aş fi cunoscut într-o altă viaţă
Pentru că am simţit această puternică legătură când m-ai privit în ochi
Acum sunt nerăbdătoare să te văd din nou
Ultima dată m-am panicat m-am uitat doar în jos
M-am bâlbâit când m-ai întrebat la ce mă gândescMiley Cyrus - See You Again -
Am simţit că nu pot respira, m-ai întrebat ce e în neregulă cu mine
Cea mai bună prietenă a mea Lesley a spus "oh e doar ea Miley"
Data viitoare când mai ieşim mă voi revanşa
inima mea nu se poate odihni până atunci
Sunt nerăbdătoare să te văd din nou
Am avut acest sentiment ciudat în interior
Când ai sunat şi ai vrut să ne întâlnim mâine seară
Nu pot citi gânduri dar citesc semnele
Eşti nerăbdător să mă vezi din nou