Metak - Da mi je biti morski pas
Da mi je biti morski pas
Bar jedan dan, jedan sat, jedan tren
Biti morski pas. Imao bih lijepe ralje
Plivao bih dalje, dalje
Pratio bih ledolomce
Čekao bih brodolomce
Gutao bih sve od reda
Ribe, zvijezde i torpeda
Kante, barke, razglednice
Plutače i podmornice. Da mi je biti morski pasMetak - Da mi je biti morski pas -
Bar jedan dan, jedan sat, jedan tren
Biti morski pas. Imao bih oštre zube
Za konzerve i za tube
Ronio bih nemilice
Ispod neke kobilice
Gutao bih sve od reda
Ribe, zvijezde i torpeda
I bio bih na sve spreman
Kao prava morska neman.
Metak - If I Were A Shark (Английский перевод)
Oh how I wish I were a shark
At least for a day, for an hour or a sec
If I were a shark
I'd have on me a handsome jaw
I'd swim and swim and swim some more
Tracking the icebreakers ways
Preying on the castaways
I'd swallow knives of Toledo
Fish and starfish and torpedo
Buckets, boats and tambourines
Buoys, flip-flops and submarines
Oh how I wish I were a sharkMetak - Da mi je biti morski pas -
At least for a day, for an hour or a sec
If I were a shark
I would be a dental killer
Of every tin and tube and tiller
I'd move swiftly like an eel
Under an unwary vessel's keel
I'd swallow knives of Toledo
Fish and starfish and torpedo
Always ready I would be
A real ogre of the sea!