Menna & Naha - Ehkeily
ahkely wa fadfadely malak zalan leh zalana ala elly sabeny wa bamoot men shoey leh (x2) ya benty kafya teba baet fe al zaman da eab wa ana hamel eh ma howa alby sabab koo lelly ana feh baed elly beny wa beno fateny wa ma alesh feno walha law ana kont maknek kont ana talet auino sahony makontesh sama makontesh arfa bethsal eh wlahe ma yasthel dama aw lahza tabky feha aleh kaleky shoya gamda malesh ana fe al kalam da ya ret yaref elly ana feh ya benty kafya teba baet fe al zaman da eab wa ana hamel eh ma howa alby sabab koo lelly ana feh elly baba elly hayegy meno la ma naftahosh kotor al klam sahel bas falan 3ando ma 3amlosh wa aleky betshady helek ana maham ashy wa ahkelek ahsany mawsafhosh ya benty kafya teba baet fe al zaman da eab wa ana hamel eh ma howa alby sabab koo lelly ana fehMenna & Naha - Ehkeily -
Menna & Naha - Ehkeily (Английский перевод)
tell me say everything what are you mad
i'm bad at who left me i'm diying from the passion that i feel for him
my girl enough beaging nice . nice beacome shame in the time
what can i do my heart is the reason of what i'm in now
after what was between us he left and didn't say where
i swear if i put myself in your palce i would of take his eyes out
they woke me i didn't hear i didn't know what was going on
i swaer he is not worth crying for not a second
be altitle strong i have nothing to do with this words (x2)
i wish he know what i'm in
my girl enough benging nice . nice beacome shame in the time
what can i do my heart is the reason of what i'm in now
the door that he is going to come form we wont open it
talking so much is easy but doing it he wont do it
i wanna see you but yoursefl togther and nomatter what i say how much i complan i can't discripe my feelling
my girl enough benging nice . nice beacome shame in the time
what can i do my heart is the reason of what i'm in now
Menna & Naha - Ehkeily -