Meko Rapper - Bîra Te Hat ?
Da Ez Bîra Te Bînm
Ewî Dilî Bi Êshînm Manê Me Çi Nema Ye
Zeman Kçê Hosa Ye Hemî Dnya Hêlane
Ez Jî Rast Bêjm Mane Ewan Goha Veke Bash
Ne Reve o Bêjî Bash Devê Mine o Dilê Mine
Rastîye o Heqê Mine Tu Jî Vî Tshtî Di Zanî
Gohê Xo Bidê Bi Canî Ne Kesekê Xrabm
Ne Mcrm o Îrhabm Dîf Çi Kesa Na Kevm
Bu Çi Kça Na Mrm Te Xîyanet Li Min Kr
Yash Te Ve Te Fayde Kr Def Xelkî Behsê Min Di Key
Yash Te Ve Dê Min Kêm Key Kêm Nabm Canê Kurm
Yash Te Ve Bu Te Di Mrm Erê Berî Salekê
Li Nêzîkî Malekê Da Kevme Zîndanê
Ew Jî Sera Te Canê Bash Bu Wekî Her Car
Her Wekî Par o Pêrar Tu Zîrekî Heyla Mar
Ax Bu Vî Dilê Hejar Nuke Kerbêt Te Ve Di Bn
Axftnên Te Bu Te Bn Ez Pîçekê Nsaxm
Ne Nsax Ko Bi Kevm Ihh Ih Ayo Ax
Ihh Ihh Ax Xozî Li Def Te BamMeko Rapper - Bîra Te Hat ? -
Nêzîkî Devê Te Bam Ka Nuke Tu Çi Di Bêjî
Axftna Di Bêjî Hêdî Dil Gelek Di Êshîtn
Bîra Wî Li Roja Di Hêtn Ew Kenya Bi Serve Serve
Ew Hejê Krna Berze E E E Bash Di Zanim
Yash Te Ve Çi Nzanim Oho Hate Bîra Min
Boç Di Bêjiye Xatîna Min Meko Gelek Hesh Min Diket
O Hîvya Ji Bçme Min Diket Bese Drewa Bike
Axftna Ji Qesta Neke Heger Dê Te Êshînm
Zanî Ebet Na Rînm Bela Xo Ji Min Veke
Bese Bese Bese We Neke Min Ji Xo 'êcz Neke
Dilê Min Ji Xo Resh Neke Tu Jî Wekî Hemîya
Bese Wekî Rîvîya Hêdî Hêdî Di Konara
Xo Kêm Di Key Bu Para Pare Erê Pare
Sîyare o Teyare Te Di Vîyan Gelek
Iha Bi Wê Prça Xelek Yash Te Ve Yê Xshîm Bum
Yash Te Ve Bu Dîn Di Bum Te Çi Ji Min Ne Di Zanî
Ez Gel Te Bum Bi Canî Yash Te Ve Hema Xlas
Shasha Te Jî Ço Mah Besse Ihh Ih
Yê Nsaxm
Meko Rapper - Did You Remembered ? (Английский перевод)
Let me make you remember that
Burned to the heart
Since we do not have anything
This world is my girl so
Let the whole world
I say the right is not it?
Open your ears that are well
Do not tell Therba and two dimensions
It is my mouth and that mental
It's real and it is my right
You also know this
Listen well
I'm not a bad person
I am not a criminal nor a terrorist
Do not go behind a
Do not die for a
You Khountna
Do you think you Fozata
Do not talk about me in front of people
Do you think you Stqll of my business
I will not underestimate a beautiful young man I
You think I die for you
Yes, a year ago
Near the house
I was in prison Saqa
This is because of you my beautiful
Was good, like all times
Such as last year, and before
You are brave, O snake
Ah, the heart of this desperate
Now you hate
Your words you
I'm sick a little
Not to fall sick
Uh uh uh and a brother
Uh uh
I wish I were with youMeko Rapper - Bîra Te Hat ? -
Close to the mouth
To know what to say now
Talking slowly
Heart hurts a lot
The last few days
That the laugh on the surface
That Lost Love
Yes yes yes I know very well
You think I do not know anything
Ah remembered
Why do you say to the baby
Meko loves me a lot
And requests from me
Enough to say lies
Do not tell a lie lyrics
Or I Will Hurt You
Never know do not sit
Leave me alone
Enough is enough is enough do not do it
Do not make me angry
Do not make me your heart does not
You also like everyone else
Enough like a fox
Slowly in the hidden places
kill yourself for money
Yes, money money
The flying car
I want a lot
So the hair that is not a monument
You think I am stupid
You think I am crazy for you
Did not know anything about me
I was with you in good faith
Think that that's all
Burn your screen salvation
Enough, uh, uh,
I'm sick