Mayada el Hennawi - El Hob Elli Kan
Kan ya ma kan El hob mali beytna w mdaffeena el hanan Zarna el zaman Sara2 menna far7etna, el ra7a wel el aman Habibi kan hena, mali el dunia 3alaya Habibi ya ana, ya aghla men 3einayya Nesseit meen ana Ana el hob elli kan, elli nseetou awam, men abl el awan Nesseit esmi kaman, nesseitou ya salam, 3ala ghadr el ensan Walla zaman, ya hawa zaman Habibi geet ana leih fel dunia dia ella 3ashan a7ebak 3ashan ydoub 3omri men gar7 ghadrak badri Cham3a wana cham3a, w t3eesh enta li far7ak Habibi fadak ana w sneeni elli gaya, fadak albi elli 7abbak Emshi fo2 hammi, fo2 dam3i w ghanni Wala tenzelshi dam3a leila fo2 khaddak Habibi kan hena, mali el dunia 3alaya Habibi ya ana, ya aghla men 3einayya Nesseit meen ana Ana el hob elli kan, elli nseetou awam, men abl el awan Nesseit esmi kaman, nesseitou ya salam, 3ala ghadr el ensan Walla zaman, ya hawa zaman W ahh, men 7or2et el ah, dab el 7agar W ahh, 3ala alb gouwwah hob et2atal W ahh, 3ala 3ashe2 hawah men gheir amal Ahh, wel shakwa lellah, mosh lel bashar 3asal w morr enta, wafa w ghadr enta, w hob el 3omr enta Kedba, kedba, kedba enta kedba Laken a7la kedba ba3athali el zaman Re22a, re22a, re22a enta re22a Laken shok w dam3, w ba7r men el a7zan Habibi kan hena, mali el dunia 3alaya Habibi ya ana, ya aghla men 3einayya Nesseit meen ana Ana el hob elli kan, elli nseetou awam, men abl el awan Nesseit esmi kaman, nesseitou ya salam, 3ala ghadr el ensan Walla zaman, ya hawa zaman Zaman lamma geet, ba3d ghyabak seneen, w 3ala albi nadeit Raddeit "habibi gani, eshta2 li habibou tani Li hobbi li hanani", w yaretni ma raddeit Zaman kan leena beit, w s7ab tayyibeen, yebkou law youm bakeit W ykhafou 3aleik ya ghali, w 3alaya mnel layali Men hamsa, men kelma, w ydoubou law ghanneit Zaman, zaman Habibi kan hena, mali el dunia 3alaya Habibi ya ana, ya aghla men 3einayya Nesseit meen ana Ana el hob elli kan, elli nseetou awam, men abl el awan Nesseit esmi kaman, nesseitou ya salam, 3ala ghadr el ensan Walla zaman, ya hawa zamanMayada el Hennawi - El Hob Elli Kan -
Mayada el Hennawi - The Love That Was (Английский перевод)
Once upon a time
Love had filled our home and tenderness had warmed us
The past paid us a visit
Stole our happiness, our comfort, and our safety
My darling was here, filling this world for me
Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes
Have you forgotten who I am
I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon
From before the forces
You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..
at the treachery of the human race
I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long
Sweetheart why had I come to this world other than to love you?
So that my life can melt away from the wound of your betrayal
A candle and I am candle, and you will live for your own happiness
Sweetheart I am in your hands and so are the years to come
In your hands, my heart that has loved you
Walk atop my troubles, atop my tears and sing
Do not drop a tear tonight on to your cheek
My darling was here, filling this world for me
Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes
Have you forgotten who I am
I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon
From before the forces
You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..
at the treachery of the human race
I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long
And ohh from the burning of the ohh and the falling of the stones
And ohh from the heart inside that love has killed
And ohh from the passion of his love which has no hope
Ohh and complain for God to hear not for the people
Honey and sour you are, Loyal and betrayer you are
And the love of my life you are
A lie, a lie, a lie you are a lie
But you are the most beautiful lie that the past has brought to me
Subtle, subtle, subtle you are subtle
But passion and tears, and an ocean from the sadness
My darling was here, filling this world for me
Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes
Have you forgotten who I am
I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon
From before the forces
You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..
at the treachery of the human race
I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long
Long ago when you came after disappearing for years
And to my heart you had called
I replied "My love has come for me, he missed his lover again
missed my love and my tenderness" and I wish I had not replied
Long ago we had a home and dear friends
That would cry if I had cried one day
And they would fear for you precious one, and for me from the lonely nights
From a touch, from a word and they would melt if I sang
Long ago, long ago
My darling was here, filling this world for me
Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes
Have you forgotten who I am
I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon
From before the forces
You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..
at the treachery of the human race
I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long
Mayada el Hennawi - El Hob Elli Kan -