Martin Solveig - Jealousy
I can't stand the people after me
Don't want anymore jealousy
They pretend to be my friend
They say this for ever
Al they set to give their hand
Any brand new comer
Ahaaa! They wanna put me down
Ahaaa! They let me hit the ground
Someone said that I like gamble
Mister, I don't wanna rumble
Controversy in my head
They don't seem to understand
I can't feel my underarm
Don't have time for paddy man
Ahaaa! Somebody set me free
Ahaaa! I'm tired of your sympathy
Ahaaa! Jealousy!
Don't tell me I'm weaping out for you
Seem to me that your around or two
I don't wanna argue look
You think I'm out my head
I guess I should thank you look
For the moment, I feel badMartin Solveig - Jealousy -
Ahaa! You wanna put me down
Ahaa! Jealous when I found
You tell me that that I had my time
Left the golden ages behind
I am ready to take it easy
Even if you're talking vain
I don't wanna hear you baby
Bang bang here I come again
Ahaaa! Somebody set me free
Ahaaa! I'm tired of your sympathy
Ahaaa! Jealousy!
Let's make a brand new start
Open up your mind
Get rid of some of this this jealousy
It's fire in me
For all this jealousy!
Somebody help me!
Somebody! Somebody! Somebody!
Stop this jealousy!
Ahaaa! Jealousy!
Martin Solveig - Ljubomora (Сербский перевод)
Ne mogu vise da podnesem ljude koji me prate,ne zelim vise ljubomore.
Pretvaraju se da su mi prijatelji,kazu to je zauvek.
Ala su postavili da daje ruku,svakom novajliji.
Ahaaa!Oni zele da me spuste,ahaaa!Pustili su me da padnem na
Neko je rekao da volim da rizikujem,drugar,ne zelim svadju.
Kontroverze u mojoj glavi,oni izgleda ne shvataju.
Ne osecam ruku ispod pazuha,nemam vremena za dosljake.
Ahaaa!Neka me neko oslobodi,ahaaa!Dosta mi je vaseg saosecanja.
Ahaaa ! Ljubomora ! Ahaaa ! Ljubomora !
Ahaaa ! Ljubomora! Ahaaa ! Ljubomora !
Ne reci mi da tugujem za tobom
Cini mi se da si u blizini ili dvoje.
Ne zelim da se svadjam,ljubavi,mislis da sam poludeo.
Mislim da treba da ti zahvalim,ljubavi,za sada,osecam se lose.Martin Solveig - Jealousy -
Ahaa ! Ti zelis da me spustis, ahaa !ljubomoran kad sam postao.
Kazes mi da sam imao svoje vreme,da ostavim zlatno doba za sobom.
Spreman sam da idem polako,cak iako govoris sujetno.
Ne zelim da te cujem duso,beng,beng,evo me ponovo dolazim.
Ahaaa ! Neka me neko oslobodi, ahaaa ! Umoran sam od vaseg saosecanja.
Ahaaa ! Ljubomora! Ahaaa ! Ljubomora !
Ahaaa ! Ljubomora ! Ahaaa ! Ljubomora !
Ahaaa ! Ljubomora ! Ljubomora ! Ahaaa !
Hajde da pocnemo iznova,otvori svoj um.
Otarasi se malo od ove ljubomore! Ahaaa ! Ljubomora !
Vatra je u meni,zbog sve ove ljubomore!Ljubomora !
Neka mi neko pomogne!Ljubomora !Neko!Ljubomora!Neko!
Ljubomora!Neko!Zaustavi ovu ljubomoru!Da!Ljubomora!