Marina Voica - Şi afară plouă, plouă
Într-un colţ de cafenea
Lângă geam, la masa mea
S-a oprit şi m-a privit
Doar cu ochii mi-a zâmbit Şi mi-a spus ca-ar vrea să bea
Doar o ceaşca de cafea
Şi nu ştiu cum s-a-ntâmplat
Lângă mine s-a-aşezat Era zvelt, înalt, frumos
Ochii verzi, dar ce folos
După mână, ce păcat
Am văzut că-i însurat Timpul repede trecea,
Printre vorbe şi cafea
Şi deloc n-am observat
Că demult s-a-ntunecat Refren:
Şi afară plouă, plouăMarina Voica - Şi afară plouă, plouă -
Şi-i trecut de ora nouă
Noi vorbim cu mare artă
Despre una, desprea alta
Şi nu ştiu de ce anume
Nu vă pot spune pe nume
Însă în privirea noastră
Nu e loc de dumneavoastră (bis) În micuţa cafenea
Lângă geam, la masa mea
Cu o ceaşcă între noi
Am rămas numai noi doi Tot vorbea de vraja mea
Mai puţin de viaţa sa
Şi deloc n-am observat
Că demult s-a-ntunecat {Refren}
Marina Voica - And it's raining, still raining outside ... (Английский перевод)
In a cafe corner
By the window, near my table,
He stopped and looked at me,
Smiling only with his eyes
And he told me he'd like to have
Just a cup of coffee
And I just don't know it happened
He sat right next to me.
He was slim, tall, handsome
Had green eyes, but what's the use?
Seeing his hand, unfortunately,
I noticed that he was married.
Time was flying quickly
Between words and coffee
And I didn't realize
That night had already fallen.
And it's raining, still raining,Marina Voica - Şi afară plouă, plouă -
And it's two or even later
We keep talking with enthusiasm
About one thing or another,
And I just don't know why
I cannot call your name,
But in this small company
There is no room for you.
In the small cafe
By the window, near my table,
We were alone (There was nobody, but us)
Separated by a cup of coffee.
He kept speaking about my charm,
Sayng less about his life
And I didn't realize
That night had already fallen.