Manntra - Kisa
Sjeti se one noći
kad si rađe htjela đavla da te uzme
sjeti se onog zla
počinjenoga u tebi Sjeti se one noći
šta si radila pokraj bunara
mozeš zaboravit ?
mozeš ti preplakat ? On će živjeti u tebi... Sada znam da će doći kišaManntra - Kisa -
i oprati ovo tlo
krvavo i otrovno
puno zlih uspomena Nemoj stajat tužna
zaboravi što je rekao
sve ste iste iznutra
sve ste tako mrtve
Manntra - The Rain (Английский перевод)
Remember that night,
when you rather wanted the devil to take you.
Remember that evil,
done in you.
Remember that night,
what were you doing next to the well.
Can you forget?
Can you mourn?
He will live in you...
Now I know that the rain will come,
and wash this soil,Manntra - Kisa -
bloodied and poisoned,
full of evil memories.
Don't stand sad,
forget what he said.
You are all the same inside,
all so dead.
He will live in you...
Now I know that the rain will come,
and wash this soil,
bloodied and poisoned,
full of evil memories.