Manel - Roma
Si hagués nascut a Roma fa més de 2000 anys,
Viuríem en un Imperi, tindríem un esclau.
I àmfores al pati plenes d'oli I vi.
I una estàtua de marbre dedicada a mi.
Si hagués nascut a Roma fa més de 2000 anys,
No faria olor a xampú el teu cabell daurat.
I oferiríem bous als déus, brindaríem amb soldats.
I ens despertaria un carro, pujant per l'empedrat.
Manel - Roma -
I els turistes es fan fotos, on tu I jo vam esmorzar.
Són les coses bones de passar a l'eternitat.
I una guia els ensenya el mosaic del menjador.
Es retraten I passegen per la nostra habitació.
I ara un nen dibuixa a llapis a la sala del museu,
El braçalet de maragdes que t'embolicava el vel.
I un submarinista troba els nostres gots I els nostres plats.
Són les coses bones de passar a l'eternitat.
Manel - Rome (Английский перевод)
If you had been born in Rome, more than two thousand years ago
We'ld live in an empire, we'ld own a slave,
And amphoras on the patio, full of oil and wine.
And a marble statue dedicated to me.
If you had been born in Rome, more than two thousand years ago,
Your golden hair wouldn't smell like shampoo,
And we'ld offer oxen to the gods, make toasts with soldiersManel - Roma -
And we'ld be awoken by a chariot going up the pavement.
The tourists are taking pictures where we used to lunch.
These are the perks of passing into eternity.
And a guide is showing them the mosaic in the kitchen.
They're taking each others' portraits and strolling through our bedroom.
And now a boy is drawing in pencil in a room of the museum,
The bracelet of emeralds that was wrapped around your veil
And an underwater diver finds our glasses and our plates
These are the perks of passing into eternity.