Mana Ogawa - Genki ni Nare!
世界中 まぶしくさせる笑顔 元気を出せっ!
そう 君は一人じゃないよ
温かい 優しさたちが
見守ってる 引き戻れないのに
いつまでも WOWWOW
くよくよしてるのは どうして? 自分で決めたわ そう
今更 泣き言 言わない 元気になれっ!
世界中 まぶしくさせる笑顔 元気を出せっ!
そう 君は一人じゃないよ
温かい 優しさたちが
見守ってる 夢のままじゃダメMana Ogawa - Genki ni Nare! -
あきらめない WOWWOW
光輝く自分 描こう ゴールが見えるわ ほら
自分自身に負けない 元気になれっ!
世界中 仲間になれる勇気 元気を出せっ!
そう みんな一人じゃないよ
がむしゃらな 夢に向かって
走り出そう 元気になれっ!
世界中 仲間になれる勇気 元気を出せっ!
そう みんな一人じゃないよ
がむしゃらな 夢に向かって
Mana Ogawa - Become Energetic! (Английский перевод)
Become energetic!
That smile is your charm
Around the world, everyone's making a bright smile
Cheer up!
Yes, you're not alone
Watch this
Warm kindness
Even though it's gone
For good, WOWWOW
How come I'm moping?
It was decided by myself
Yes, it was decided by myself
That now I won't complain
Become energetic!
That smile is your charm
Around the world, everyone's making a bright smile
Cheer up!
Yes, you're not alone
Watch this
Warm kindness
Dreams on their own are no goodMana Ogawa - Genki ni Nare! -
So don't give up WOWWOW
Paint yourself shining brightly
Hey, a goal is in sight!
Don't lose
I don't lose to myself
Become energetic!
That courage is seizing a future
Around the world, people are getting along
Cheer up!
Yes, everyone's not alone
Let's face that reckless dream
And start running towards it
Become energetic!
That courage is seizing a future
Around the world, people are getting along
Cheer up!
Yes, everyone's not alone
Let's face that reckless dream
And start running towards it