Maja Keuc - Vanilija
Povej, a se ti ne zdi da drugačen si
Kot da mar ti ni?
Daj povej, spodnesi mi zdaj tla
Da je ona ta, ki je tvoja Ko na toplem ledu pleševa
Vsak po svoje sanjava
Le midva, le midva Ni ona kot vanilija, tišina v tebi te izda
Še sem tvoja, še sem tu ob tebi
Ta igra ne pozna meja, predolgo sem vztrajala
Še sem tvoja, tvoja vsa Si morda čas zdaj kradeva?
A nenadoma se začutiva
Ne, ne grem nazaj v ta lažnivi raj
Srce je polno saj, ne, dovolj mi je In iz inata v sebi, se upiram znova tebi leMaja Keuc - Vanilija -
Dajem vse, dajem vse (Nekaj, nekaj kot vanilija zdaj diši na tebi) Kot vanilija
(Nekaj, nekaj) to noč vleče me znova, znova k tebi Če mi rečeš, da ne znaš naprej (Znaš naprej)
Zamegljen je tvoj pogled na njej (Gled na njej)
Še sem tu, še bom tvoja vsa
In vem, da še bom tu ob tebi Vedno znova sem na pol poti (Pol poti)
In čeprav se vse narobe zdi (Robe zdi)
Reci mi, da naj ustavim svet
Ker rad bi bil le tu ob meni Le nekaj, kar diši na tebi
Te vleče vedno znova k sebi
A še sem vedno tvoja veš
Še sem tvoja, tvoja, tvoja, tvoja, tvoja le Še ti dajem, dajem ti vse
Maja Keuc - Vanilla (Английский перевод)
Tell me, don't you think that you're being different
As if you didn't care?
Come on, do tell, make my world crumble
That she's the one that's yours
When we dance on warm ice
We each have our own dream
Just the two of us, just the two of us
She's not like vanilla, her scent stays on you, it gives you away
I'm still yours, I'm still here by your side
This game has no boundaries, I've insisted for too long
I'm still yours, all yours
Is it maybe that we're stealing each other's time now?
But suddenly we feel each other
No, I won't go back to that false paradise
My heart is full of soot, no, I've had enough
And out of spite inside, I'm fighting you againMaja Keuc - Vanilija -
I'm giving everything, I'm giving everything
(Something, something like a vanilla scent stays on you) Like vanilla
(Something, something) tonight is dragging me to you again and again
If you tell me that you can't go on (Can't go on)
It's blurred, your sight of her (Sight of her)
I'm still here, I'll still be yoursa
And I know that I'll still be here by your side
Again and again I'm half way there (Half way there)
And although it all seems wrong (Seems wrong)
Tell me to stop the world
'Cause you want to stay by my side
Just something that smells on you
Is dragging me to you again and again
But I'm still yours, you know I'm still yours
Yours, yours, only yours, yeah…
I'm still giving you, giving you everything