Maija Vilkkumaa - Prinsessa Jää
Jos oisin rohkea ja
luonteeni valoisa
ja puhuisin lempemmin
kertoisin sullekin sen
kuinka onnellinen
sylisss oisin ja lmmin
Ja kun s katot mua
m voisin punastua
niin m oon sua miettinyt
ja kun s pyydt mun numeroo
m voisin sanoo joo
ja kaikki vois olla ihanasti nyt
Mut koska maireus on naurettavaa
m sanon mua ei hei kuka tahansa saa
ja s meet, ja niin on trke
ett kyyneleitni kukaan ei n
muuten ne kuvittelee
et sil on vli
ne kuvittelee
Maija Vilkkumaa - Prinsessa Jää -
Jos oisin viisas tai ees
suhteellisen sees
ja puhuisin selkemmin
kvelisin pystypin
sanoisin t on nin
sylisss mun oisi lmmin
S oot se joka saa
mut vavahtelemaan
niin m oon sua miettinyt
ja kun s pyydt mun numeroo
m voisin sanoo joo
ja kaikki vois olla ihanasti nyt
Mut koska maireus on naurettavaa...
Ja ne jotka kaiken tiet
ne sanoo tuo on prinsessa J
se varmaan hileit hengitt
ja se kaikesta selvi
Koska maireus on naurettavaa...
Maija Vilkkumaa - Princess Ice (Английский перевод)
If I were brave and
my nature were sunny
and I'd spoke more gently
I would tell it to you, too
how happy
and warm I would be in your arms
And when you look at me
I could blush
so I've been thinking of you
and when you ask my number
I could say yea
and everything could be wonderful now
But because flattery is ridiculous
I say hey not anyone can have me
and you go and it's important
that no one sees my tears
otherwise they imagine
that it matters
they imagine
If I were wise or even
relatively balanced
and I'd spoke more clearly
If I'd walked uprightMaija Vilkkumaa - Prinsessa Jää -
say that this is it
I would feel warm in your arms
You're the one who gets
me shaking
so I've been thinking of you
and when you ask my number
I could say yea
and everything could be wonderful now
But because flattery is ridiculous
I say hey not anyone can have me
and you go and it's important
that no one sees my tears
otherwise they imagine
that it matters
they imagine
that you matter
they imagine
that it matters
they imagine
And those who know everything
they say that she's Princess Ice
she must breath crystals
and she survives everything