Luar Na Lubre - Memoria Da Noite
Madrugada, o porto adormeceu, amor,
A lúa abanea sobre as ondas
Piso espellos antes de que saia o sol
Na noite gardei a túa memoria.
Perderei outra vez a vida
Cando rompa a luz nos cons,
Perderei o día que aprendín a bicar
Palabras dos teus ollos sobre o mar,
Perderei o día que aprendín a bicar
Palabras dos teus ollos sobre o mar.
Veu o loito antes de vir o rumor,
Levouno a marea baixo a sombra.
Barcos negros sulcan a mañá sen voz,
As redes baleiras, sen gaivotas.
E dirán, contarán mentiras Luar Na Lubre - Memoria Da Noite -
Para ofrecerllas ao Patrón:
Quererán pechar cunhas moedas, quizais,
Os teus ollos abertos sobre o mar,
Quererán pechar cunhas moedas, quizais,
Os teus ollos abertos sobre o mar.
Madrugada, o porto despertou, amor,
O reloxo do bar quedou varado
Na costeira muda da desolación.
Non imos esquecer, nin perdoalo.
Volverei, volverei á vida
Cando rompa a luz nos cons
Porque nós arrancamos todo o orgullo do mar,
Non nos afundiremos nunca máis
Que na túa memoria xa non hai volta atrás:
Non nos humillaredes NUNCA MÁIS.
Luar Na Lubre - Memoria Da Noite (Английский перевод)
At dawn, the port begins to sleep, my love,
the moon rolls over the waves
floor mirrors before the dawn
I keep in the night your memory
I will lost my life again
when the light breaks into the rocks,
I will lose the day I learned to kiss
words of your eyes on the sea,
I will lose the day I learned to kiss
words of your eyes on the sea
The mourning came before the rumor cames,
the tide brought it in the shadow.
Black ships are crossing the morning without a voice,
Empty nets, without gulls
And they say, they will lie
to provide the skipper:Luar Na Lubre - Memoria Da Noite -
they will want to finalize(close) it with a few coins, perhaps,
Your open eyes on the sea,
they will want to finalize(close) it with a few coins, perhaps,
Your open eyes on the sea,
At dawn, the port woke up, my love,
The clock of the bar was stranded
in the speechless coast of desolation.
We will not forget it, nor forgive it.
I will come back, I will come back to life
when the light breaks on the rocks
because we took all the pride of the sea,
we will not sink anymore
because in your memory there is not going back:
They don't humiliate us NEVER AGAIN