Limite 21 - Aguántalo Ahi
Que lo aguante ahi, aclarame esto
Que lo aguante ahi mama aclareme esto
Que tu me pide y yo de doy que yo te pido y nunca ay na X2
Asi me dices titi esto pa ti y na pa mi
Y asi me vences titi esto pa ti y na pa mi
that this is for you, and nothing for me, all for you and nothing for me
that's how she defeats me titi, all for you and nothing for me
he, the pretty one, mami all for you and nothing for me
that everything's for you and nothing's for me Aguantalo ahi aclareme esto
Eh miss aguantelo ahi aclareme esto --------------------------------------MAMBO---------------------------- Aguantalo ahi aclarame esto
Ay tete ahi aclarame esto
Un carro del añoPa Ti
Y una chanfurnetaPa mi (I think "chanfOrneta" is some countries means "vagina")Limite 21 - Aguántalo Ahi -
Perfume francesPa Ti
Colonia pifimimiPa mi Que tu compras lo que quieresPa Ti
Y la cuenta lo que debePa mi
Que tu compras lo que quieresPa Ti Asi me vence titi
Que to pa ti y na pa mi
La linda manita que tienne titi
Por eso te digo que vamos aclarar este asunto y aguantalo ahi --------------------------------------MAMBO---------------------------- Y aguantalo ahi aclarame esto
Mire aguantalo ahi vamos aclarar esto Finisimas prendasPa Ti
Y todas las cuentasPa mi
De buena raza un gatoPa Ti
Y ese perro satoPa mi Asustao con lo que quieresPa Ti
Y la cuenta de lo que debesPa mi
Asustao con lo que quieresPa Ti Asi me vence titi
La linda manita que tienne titi
Limite 21 - Aguántalo Ahi (Английский перевод)
that I hold it there, clear this up for me
that I hold it there, mama clear this up for me
that you ask me, and I give you, that I ask you and there's never nothing
that's how you tell me titi this is for you and nothing for me
and that's how you defeat me titi this is for you and nothing for me
Que esto pa ti y na pa miTo pa ti na pa mi
Asi me vence titiTo pa ti na pa mi
Je la linda mamiTo pa ti na pa mi
Que to pa ti y na pa miTo pa ti na pa mi
hold it there, clear this up for me
hey miss, hold it there, clear this up for me
hold it there, clear this up for me
oh, tete there, clear this up for me
a car every year for you
and a piece of junk for me
french parfum for youLimite 21 - Aguántalo Ahi -
crappy cologne for me
that you buy whatever you want for yourself
and what is owed on the bill is for me
Y la cuenta lo que debePa mi
that's how she defeats me titi
all for you and nothing for me
the nice little hand that has titi
that's why I say let's get this straight and hold it there
and hold it there, clear this up for me
look, hold it there, let's get this straight
super fancy clothes for you
and all the bills for me
that thoroughbreed cat for you
and this lame dog for me
scared about what you want, for you
and what is owed on the bill is for me
Y la cuenta de lo que debesPa mi
Que to pa ti y na pa mi
Por eso te digo que vamos aclarar este asunto y aguantalo ahi