Laura Khalil - Da Yatlaa Meen
Ya dobak 2olt ana merta7alou Fakarni inee me7tagalou W de ghaltet eh W da tab3ou W da 7alo W da ba2a mn eh w da yetlo3 meen W fakerni ha3eesh w ana albi 7azeen Kolaha awham w kalam fi kalam w ana lazem awaree 3eeno Msh albi ana eli yl3ab be hawaa hayshouf el weil wyshouf el ahh Haydoub mnel shou2 w yboss le foo2 khalee ys-har layalou Maghrour ya albi w ya albi seebo W fakerni inee b2eet 7abibi By2oul nasseeni wel sho2 gaweeni Tb2a rou7i ana mn nasseebo W howa bokra yshouf min fina ydoub w ybat el leil bhawa maghloub W yrou7 el nom w yetmana fi yom inee as2al 3an 7alo Wala has2al min w ana has2al leh msh momken asalem yomli 3alih Khalee ye7tar w y3eesh b nar ana gheir eli fi baloLaura Khalil - Da Yatlaa Meen -
Laura Khalil - Da Yatlaa Meen (Английский перевод)
I barely said that I feel comfortable around him
And he already thinks I need him
And what wrong is this?
And that's his way
That's how he is
Where is this coming from and who are you supposed to be?
Do you think I will live with a saddened heart?
It's all just fun and talk and I need to show him the hard way
My heart is not the one to play with, he will see hell and ohh
He will melt from the passion and look up to the sky on his sleepless nights
My heart is conceited and oh heart, leave him
And now he thinks that I've become his lover
He says he's forgotten me and passion made me stronger
That my soul will be his fate
But tomorrow he will see which of us will melt and be the loser in love
And sleep will go as he wishes for the day that I ask how he is doing
I won't ask anyone, why would I ask, impossible for me to give in to him
Let him stay confused, living on fire, I am not the one that's in his mind
Laura Khalil - Da Yatlaa Meen -