Khan - možda ljubav
Primjetio sam je vani pitao se dal je sama
Tražio sam takvu curu prava profinjena dama
Pa sam prišo joj odma jer u tome nemam srama
Znaš Khana bok mala dal bi htjela van danas
Ona odbila me zato jer je čula puno toga o meni
Kao sirov sam do bola neću se promijenit
Idemo samo na cugu neću te oženit
Ona kaže ok samo lagano
Htio sam ju impresionirat time
Da sam reper i kako lako iz glave slažem rime
Pokazo sam joj nakit i pokušo ju zadivit
Mahnula je rukom i rekla da stav krivi
Koristim za nju kaže umišljen sam ful
Furam srebro malo repam ziher brijem da sam kul
Nije rekla niš lijepo al to mi se i dopalo
Htio sam ju opet vidjet ne znam šta me spopalo
Pa reko daj mi broj poslat ću ti sms
Sutra da se vidimo mala i vodim te na ples
Prvo nije htjela al pristala je na to
Prvi put osjećam neš ovakvo kažem zato! Ref x 1
Otkad sam te vidio srce kuca nenormalno
Nešto me obuzelo možda ljubav jeli to
Ti i ja vani potpuno smo sami prolaze nam dani
Ali znam nećeš mi se javit jer nešto tu fali ja bi da smo samo ti i ja! Pa tako smo se našli odma već slijedeći danKhan - možda ljubav -
Čekala me sređena tamo kod Jelačića
I otišli smo na cugu poslije u Cinestar
Držali smo se za ruke bili baš ko pravi par
Baco sam joj fore i stalno je zašprehavo
I pričo kak samo mi je do nje stalo
Davo sam joj komplimente za frizuru
I kako nikad nisam upoznao takvu curu
Rekla mi je da sam sladak nisam tako loš
Ali ne zna šta će bit mora pričekati još
Ej mame mi moje brijem da sam se zaljubio
Jer ništa nisam čuo potpuno sam se izgubio
Da će nešto bit ja pomislio sam tad
Kad odjebala me rekla da za vezu još je mlada
Nisam znao šta da kažem tog trenutka
Ona kaže sori evo nazvat ću te sutra
Tako je otišla i nije nazvala uopće
To me slomilo jer sam nado se da hoće
Pa iznutra me boli onda kad pomislim na to
Prvi put osjećam neš ovakvo kažem zato
Ref x 1
Otkad sam te vidio srce kuca nenormalno
Nešto me obuzelo možda ljubav jeli to
Ti i ja vani potpuno smo sami prolaze nam dani
Ali znam nećeš mi se javit jer nešto tu fali ja bi da smo samo ti i ja!
Khan - Maybe Love (Английский перевод)
I've noticed her around and wondered if she was alone
I was looking for a girl like her, real sophisticated lady
So I approached her straight away because I have no shame in such situations
You know Khan, hi babe, wanna go out today
She rejected me because she heard a lot of stuff about me
Supposedly I'm raw and will never change
We're just going for a drink, I'm not going to marry you
She says ok, just take it slowly
I wanted to impress her with telling her
I was a rapper and how easily I can rhyme
I showed her the jewelery and tried to impress her
She waved her hand and said I had the wrong approach
she says I'm full of myself
wear silver, rap a bit, I'm convinced I'm cool
She didn't say anything nice but that's what I liked
I wanted to see her again, I don't know what got into me
So I said: give me your number, I'll text you
so that we would see each other tomorrow, I'm taking you dancing
She hesitated at first but eventually she accepted
For the first time I feel something like this, that's why I'm saying!
Ever since I saw you, my heart beats like crazy
Something's got a hold on me, maybe that's love
You and me, on a date, completely alone days are going by
But I know you wont call me back because there's something missing, I want it to be just the two of us!
So we got together the very next dayKhan - možda ljubav -
She waited for me all dressed up, over there by Jelacic
And later we went to Cinestar for a drink
We held hands, just like a real couple
I was joking around and kept her amused
and was telling her how she's the only one I cared about
I complimented her hair
and told her I'd never met such a girl
She told me i was cute, I'm not that bad
But she doesn't know what will happen, needs more time
Eh I swear on my mother, I'm sure I'm in love
Because I didn't hear a thing, I got lost completely
Then I thought something would happen
When she ditched me, told me she was still young for a relationship
I didn't know what to say at the moment
She says sorry, here, I'll call you tomorrow
Then she left and didn't call at all
That broke me because I was hoping she would
And it hurts inside when I think about it
For the first time I feel like this, that's why I'm saying!
Ever since I saw you, my heart beats like crazy
Something's got a hold on me, maybe that's love
You and me, on a date, completely alone days are going by
But I know you wont call me back because there's something missing, I want it to be just the two of us!