Keo - Aş vrea să ştii
Nu stiu nici cum, nici cand e bine
Poate acum langa tine sa-ti spun ceva
La ce gandesc, dar nu as vrea sa ma grabesc. Nu stiu cum sa fac sa-ti spun mai frumos
Ca sa nu-ti para mincinos
Dar eu n-o sa tac si azi am decis
Sa-ti zic ce-am de zis. Refren:
As vrea sa stii ca mi-ai placut din prima zi
Cand te-am vazut n-am indraznit si am tacut
As vrea sa stii... Dac-as jura poate nu-ti place si-ai prefera sa-ti dau paceKeo - Aş vrea să ştii -
Dar eu, nebun, chiar daca taci,
Iti spun si-ti spun cat de mult imi placi. Daca in prima zi vremea a trecut
Nu simti nimic ca la inceput
Si fie ce-o fi, ca vrei, ca nu vrei
Eu mi-am zis OK. 3) "Pentru inimi" pentru ca sunetul ajunge
din difuzoare pana-n sange
pentru ca inima ta moare
atunci cand sunetul dispare
Keo - I'd like you to know (Английский перевод)
I don't even know how, nor when it's good
Maybe now near you I tell you something
about what I think, but I wouldn't like to hurry myself
I don't know how to tell you more beautifully
so that it doesn't seems deceptive to you
But I won't shut up & today I decided
To say to you what I have to say
I'd like you to know that I liked you from the first day
When I saw you I didn't dare & I shut up
I'd like you to know
If I'd swear, maybe you won't like it & you would preferre for me to give you some peaceKeo - Aş vrea să ştii -
But I, crazy, even if you shut up,
I tell you & I tell you how much I like you
If on the first day the time has passed
You don't feel anything like at the beginning
& it's to what it is, that you want, that you don't want
I told myself "OK"
"For hearts"
because the sound reaches
from the speakers till in (our) blood
because your heart dies
when the sound disappears[/quote]