Kelly Clarkson - Sober
And I don't know
This could break my heart or save me
Nothing's real
Until you let go completely
So here I go with all my thoughts
I've been saving
So here I go with all my fears
Weighing on me
Three months and I'm still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
But I know, it's never really over
And I don't know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road
I might catch a glimpse of me
So I won't worry about my timing
I wanna get it right
No comparing, second guessingKelly Clarkson - Sober -
No, not this time
Three months and I'm still breathing
Been a long road since those hands
I left my tears in but I know
It's never really over, no, wake up
Three months and I'm still standing here
Three months and I'm getting better, yeah
Three months and I still am
Three months and it's still harder now
Three months I've been living here without you now
Three months, yeah, three months
Three months and I'm still breathing
Three months and I still remember it
Three months and I wake up
Three months and I'm still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
Kelly Clarkson - Treaz (Румынский перевод)
Nu stiu, lucrul asta ar putea sa-mi franga inima sau sa ma salveze
Nimic nu e real pana cand nu renunti complet
Si iata-ma vorbind despre toate gandurile pe care le-am acumulat
Iata toate fricile care apasa asupra mea
(Au trecut) trei luni si sunt inca treaz (nu am recazut)
Am adunat toata iarba dar am pastrat doar florile
Dar stiu, de fapt niciodata nu se termina definitiv
Si stiu, pot sa mor si sa ard dar poate
La sfarsitul acestui drum voi avea o viziune rapida asupra mea
Nu-mi voi face griji pentru incadrarea in timp, nu voi reusi s-o determin corect
Fara comparatii, fara indoieli - nu de data asta
Au trecut trei luni si inca respir
A trecut mult timp de cand in maini
Mi-am lasat lacrimile
Dar stiu, de fapt niciodata nu se termina definitivKelly Clarkson - Sober -
Au trecut trei luni si inca sunt aici
Trei luni si incep sa ma fac bine
Trei luni si eu inca...
Trei luni si inca ma doare acum
Trei luni am trait aici fara tine
Trei luni
Trei luni am asteptat
Trei luni si inca mai respir
Trei luni si inca imi amintesc
Trei luni si ma trezesc
Trei luni si inca sunt "curat"/treaz
Am adunat toata iarba dar am pastrat doar florile