Judas Priest - Fever
I'd spend my days alone
I used to stay at home
Lost in seclusion there
Like I was in a cell
A captured heart as well
Surrounded by despair
Darkness filled my soul
Losing all control
Down on the streets below
Bright city lights would glow
The energy would rise
And through the heat I'd gaze
Still counting empty days
With fire in my eyes
Living through this hell
Can I break this spell?
Fever, you set my soul on fire
Fever, you fill me with desire
Fever, you always get it right
Fever, all day and all night
Then one night as I walked
I heard your body talk
I saw a shooting star
In some magnetic tranceJudas Priest - Fever - http://ru.motolyrics.com/judas-priest/fever-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Our beating hearts would dance
And crash down from afar
Oh, how strange fate is
Never dreamed of this
Fever, you set my soul on fire
Fever, you fill me with desire
Fever, you always get it right
Fever, all day and all night
So destiny has bought us
Oh, so close together
We were like angels in the night
Living the dream
At last I'll be with you forever
And all at once it feels so right
Fever, you set my soul on fire
Fever, you fill me with desire
Fever, you always get it right
Fever, all day and all night
Fever, oh, you set my soul on fire
Fever, you fill me with desire
Fever, you always get it right
Fever, all day and all night
Judas Priest - Febra (Румынский перевод)
Imi petrec zilele singur
Obisnuiesc sa stau in casa
Pierdut in izolare acolo
Ca si cum as fi intro celula
Precum o inima capturata
Inconjurata de disperare
Intunericul mi-a cuprins sufletul
Pierzandu-mi contrrolul
afara in strada
Luminile orasului vor staluci
Energia v-a renaste
Si prin inima voi privi
Inca numar zilele goale
Cu dorinta in ochi
Traiesc in acest iad
Pot sa rup vraja
Febra.tu mi-ai dat foc sufletuluiJudas Priest - Fever - http://ru.motolyrics.com/judas-priest/fever-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Febra.M-ai umplut cu dorinta
Febra.Intotdeauna ai avut drepatate
Febra.Toata ziua si toata noaptea.
aPOI intro noapte am plecat
Ti-am auzit corpul vorbindu-mi
Am vazut o stea cazatoare
Ca o transa magica
Bataile inimilor noastre vor dansa
si s-au accidentat de la departare
Oh cat de stranie e soarta
Niciodata nu am visat la asa ceva
Destinul ne-a adus impreuna
Oh ATAt de aproape impreuna
Santem ca doi ingeri in noapte
Traind intr-un vis
Cel putin voi fi cu tine pe vecie.
In acelasi timp ne simtim asa de bine.