Jetlag Productions - Heaven here on earth
Everywhere you look there is something growin'
In summertime the corn is ten feet tall
The valley and the woods are very spacious
With room enough for creatures big and small
Everyone lives peacefully, one big family
It's like a little heaven here on earth Listen to the wind as it whispers
Look at the clear blue sky
Smell the flowers in the springtime
Watch the little birdies fly It makes no difference where you go
No matter where you search
There's no nicer place to live
It's heaven here on earth This is home to many kinds of familiesJetlag Productions - Heaven here on earth -
Animals and peoples with families, too
Mamas watching their babies growin'
Teaching them the right things they should do
Everyone lives peacefully, one big family
It's like a little heaven here on earth Listen to the wind as it whispers
Look at the clear blue sky
Smell the flowers in the springtime
Watch the little birdies fly It makes no difference where you go
No matter where you search
There's no nicer place to live
It's heaven here on earth
Jetlag Productions - Raj na zemlji (Сербский перевод)
Gde god da pogledaš nešto raste
Kukuruz je u leto visok 10 metara
Doline i šume veoma su prostrane
Sa dovoljno mesta za velika i mala stvorenja
Svi žive mirno, kao jedna velika porodica
To liči na mali raj na zemlji
Slušaj vetar dok šapuće
Pogledaj čisto plavo nebo
Pomiriši cveće u proleće
Gledaj ptičice koje lete
Nije bitno kuda odeš
Nebitno je gde tražiš
Nema lepšeg mesta za život
Ovo je raj na zemlji
Ovo je dom mnogih porodicaJetlag Productions - Heaven here on earth -
Kao i životinja i ljudi sa porodicama
Mame gledaju kako njihove bebe odrastaju
Učeći ih šta bi trebalo da rade
Svi žive mirno, kao jedna velika porodica
To liči na mali raj na zemlji
Slušaj vetar dok šapuće
Pogledaj čisto plavo nebo
Pomiriši cveće u proleće
Gledaj ptičice koje lete
Nije bitno kuda odeš
Nebitno je gde tražiš
Nema lepšeg mesta za život
Ovo je raj na zemlji