Jack Savoretti - Between The Minds
Ive never been the one to shout because I listen
I dont like to raise my voice
And maybe I should learn to lose my inhibition
And let my feelings make some noise
Cause you dont know
What Im going through
When silence is all I give to you
So hear me
If youre out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you,
And I need you, to take the hand
Of a quiet man
I love the way you hear the words unspoken
Its like you read between the minds
You know before the silence has been broken
Well, at least most of the time
But I dont know Jack Savoretti - Between The Minds - http://ru.motolyrics.com/jack-savoretti/between-the-minds-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
What youre going through
It must be something
I didnt say to you
So hear me
If youre out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you,
and I need you, to take the hand
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
So hear me,
If youre out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you,
And I need you, to take the hand
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Jack Savoretti - Printre ganduri (Румынский перевод)
Nu am fost niciodata unul care sa tipe, fiindca ascult.
Nu-mi place sa ridic vocea.
Poate ca ar trebui sa invat sa-mi las deoparte inhibitiile,
Si sa-mi las sentimentele sa provoace zgomot
Tu nu stii ce am de gand
Cand linistea este tot ce-ti ofer.
Asa ca, asculta-ma, daca esti acolo...
Incearca sa intelegi aceste cuvinte:
Te doresc, si am nevoie de tine, sa tii mana unui om linistit.
Iubesc felul in care auzi cuvintele nerostite.
E ca si cum ai citi gandurile
Stii ca inainte linistea a fost data peste cap,
Ei bine, cel putin la momentul acelaJack Savoretti - Between The Minds - http://ru.motolyrics.com/jack-savoretti/between-the-minds-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Dar nu stiu ce ai de gand
Trebuie sa fie ceva ce nu ti-am spus
Asa ca, asculta-ma, daca esti acolo...
Incearca sa intelegi aceste cuvinte:
Te doresc, si am nevoie de tine, sa tii mana unui om linistit.
Unui om linistit.
Asa ca, asculta-ma, daca esti acolo...
Incearca sa intelegi aceste cuvinte:
Te doresc, si am nevoie de tine, sa tii mana unui om linistit.
Unui om linistit.
Unui om linistit.
Unui om linistit.