ITD Band - Majko zemljo
Ja nemam više ništa u glavi
Ja nemam više muda ni morala
Mene više ništa ne zanima
I dužan sam milijun dolara Ja pokorno slušam staru priču
Pušim pored drvenih baraka
Ja nikad neću dobit posaoITD Band - Majko zemljo -
I dužan sam milijun maraka Ja čekam da se nešto desi
Daleko je sunce iza zida
Ni sam ne znam sto bih stvarno htio
Samo tiho umirem od stida Majko zemljo baš ti hvala
U ime svih nas
Nas budala
ITD Band - Mother Land (Английский перевод)
I don't have anything left in my head
I don't have either the balls nor the morality
I don't care about anything anymore
and there's a million dollars that I owe
I'm humbly listening to the old story
I'm smoking next to wooden baracks
I will never get a jobITD Band - Majko zemljo -
I owe one million marks
I'm waiting for something to happen
Sun is faraway behind the wall
I don't even know myself what I'd really want
I'm just quietly dying of shame
Mother land thank you so much
In the name of all of us
Us fools