Iraqi Maqam - Dizzani Waaraf Maarmi
dezzani wefham marami
saduni sayda al hamami
law yeshefunak amami
yedhbahunak wana eshbidi
dezzani we bwest el kamra
yal khedud mahlaha hamra
ya helwa adhabt essamra
yedhbahunak ma yhoon alayeIraqi Maqam - Dizzani Waaraf Maarmi -
dezzani we ala setoohi
we zelf ala el khad yloohi
ya helwe adhabt roohi
yedhbahoonak wana shaliye
dezzani we ala el bostani
wel oyun oyun ghezlani
ya helw hobbak sabani
yehdbahunak wana esh bidi
Iraqi Maqam - Dizzani Waaraf Maarmi (Английский перевод)
push me and understnad what i look to
they hunted me as a pigeon
if they see you beside me
they'll slaughter you ,and what do i have to do?
push me and inside the moon
how beautiful are those read cheeks
oh beautiful you tortured me
it's not easy for me that they slaughter youIraqi Maqam - Dizzani Waaraf Maarmi -
push me tothe roof
and the (zelf) is on the cheek
oh sweety you tortured my soul
let them slaughter you ,i don't care
push me to the field
and the eyes are the gazelle's
oh sweety your love has tired me
if they slaughter you what should i do?