Howard Shore - For Frodo
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín
Gerin le beriad
Le beriathon
Le annon vegil nín
Cyll e-Gorv
Le annon beth nín
Ú-erir aen han ristoHoward Shore - For Frodo -
Ú-erir aen han presto
Rúvo i rym
I aur hen ú bant!
Isto Mordor han:
Elessar! Elessar!
Tellin i Chîr Gondor!
Howard Shore - For Frodo (Английский перевод)
If by my life or death
I can protect you,
I will.
I give you my sword
I give you my word,
It cannot be broken.Howard Shore - For Frodo -
Nor turned aside,
Let the horns sound,
This day is not done!
Let Mordor know this:
Elessar! Elessar!
The Lords of Gondor have come!