Альбомы и тексты песен Holy Martyr
Hail to Hellas (2003)
Hatred and Warlust (2001)
Hellenic Warrior Spirit (2008)
- 1.000 Lies
- Acceptance
- Dancing With The Dead
- Deep C Odyssey
- Deep Thaught Eject Button
- Defenders In
- Defenders In The Name Of Hellas
- Deutschland
- Disorder Of The Order
- Drip Drip Drip
- Dungeons And Drag Queens
- Dungeons And Drag Queens -1
- Dungeons And Drag Queens -2
- Dungeons And Drag Queens -3
- Fight Your Right
- Flouride The Lightning
- Guns 'n' Moses
- Hellenic Valour
- Hindsight 'Tween The Hind Legs
- I Bleed
- Just One Minute And Thirty-Six Seconds Closer To Smoke From The Crematorium
- Lakedaimon
- Molon Labe
- One Minute And Thirty Six Seconds Closer To Smoke From The Crematorium
- Pissing Off In The Rolex Of Your Dreams
- Spartan Phalanx
- Ssp
- Sunburnt Tongue
- That Old Rugged Cross-Dresser
- The Call To Arms
- The Lion Of Sparta
- To Kalesma
- You're In Love Holy Molar
Still At War (2007)
Прочие тексты песен