Himerini kolimvites
Himerini kolimvites

Romilia перевод на Английский

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Himerini kolimvites - Romilia

lyrics-musiic: Argyris Bakirtzis,
written in Kavala/Greece, April 1979

Ἔφυγες μόνος σου νὰ πᾶς στὴ Ρωμυλία*
Νὰ δεῖς τοὺς θειούς σου καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους συγγενεῖς.
Ἔτσι ὅπως πῆγες, πάλι μόνος θὰ γυρίσεις,
οἱ συμπαγεῖς σου ζοῦν σὲ κόσμους συγγενεῖς. Μοναξιά, μοναξιά, τῶν ὀνείρων μας θεά,
σύ, ποὺ χάρισες ἀνάσα στὴ χαμένη μου καρδιά.
Φλυαροῦν καὶ μὲ λὲν τιποτένιο καὶ χαζό,
τὸ κορίτσι μου κρυώνει κι ἐγὼ πέφτω στὸ νερό. Κι ὅταν τὸν Αὔγουστο θὰ βγεῖ τὸ φεγγαράκι,Himerini kolimvites - Romilia - http://ru.motolyrics.com/himerini-kolimvites/romilia-lyrics-english-translation.html
ἐμεῖς θὰ πλέουμε σὲ ἄλλους οὐρανούς,
ποὺ ἡ παγωνιά τους δὲ θὰ μοιάζει μὲ τοὺς ἴσκιους,
ποὺ ἀφήνει πίσω της ἡ ἄδικη ζωή. Λείπει ἡ ἀγάπη καὶ λοιπά, δὲν περνοῦν σ᾿ ἐμᾶς αὐτά
μὲς στὸ πάθος μας, φυστίκια φύγαν, κάνανε φτερά·
Κάθε ὥρα καὶ λεπτό, τὸ μαχαίρι στὸ λαιμό,
τὸ κορίτσι μου φωνάζει: ἕλα, ἄλλο δὲ βαστῶ.

Английский перевод

Himerini kolimvites - Rumelia (Английский перевод)

You left all alone for to go to Rumelia
To visit your uncles and the rest of your relatives
As I you left, you'll return all alone again
Your compacts live in relative worlds

Loneliness is of our dreams goddess
You, that you revived my lost heart
They're waffling and they say I'm not worth caring
My girl is feeling cold and I dive in the water

And when the moon shines on AugustHimerini kolimvites - Romilia - http://ru.motolyrics.com/himerini-kolimvites/romilia-lyrics-english-translation.html
We will be sailing in other heavens
Whose coldness is not going to be like the shadows
That the unfair life leaves behind itself

Love and other stuff are missing, we take these things seriously here
The peanuts are over as our passion was growing
Every hour and minute, the knife at neck
And the girl shouting at me "Come here, I can't stand any more"

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