Hilary Duff - Fly
Any moment
Everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute
All the world can wait
Let go of your yesterday
Can you hear it calling
Can you feel it in your soul
Can you trust this longing
And take control
Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life
And start to try
'Cause it's your time
Time to fly
All your worries
Leave them somewhere else
Find a dream you can follow
Reach for something
When there's nothing left
And the world's feeling hollow
Can you hear it calling
Can you feel it in your soul
Can you trust this longing
And take control
FlyHilary Duff - Fly - http://ru.motolyrics.com/hilary-duff/fly-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Open the up part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life
And start to try
'Cause it's your time
Time to fly
And when you're down and feel alone
You Just wanna run away
Trust yourself and don't give up
You know you better than anyone else
In a moment
Everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute
All the world can wait
Let go of yesterday
Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life
And start to try
'Cause it your time
Time to fly
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life
And start to try
'Cause it's your time
Time to fly
In a moment everything can change
Hilary Duff - Zboară (Румынский перевод)
Totul se poate schimba în orice moment
Simte vântul pe umărul tău
Pentru un minut toată lumea poate aştepta
Lasă-ţi trecutul în urmă
Îl poţi auzi strigând
Îl poţi simţi în sufletu tău?
Poţi crede acest dor
Şi preia controlul
Arată partea din tine care vrea să se ascundă
Poţi străluci
Uită de motivele pentru care nu reuşeşti în viaţă
Şi începe a încerca
Pentru că e timpul tăuHilary Duff - Fly - http://ru.motolyrics.com/hilary-duff/fly-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
(E) Timpul să zbori
Toate grijile tale
Lasă-le altundeva
Găseşte un vis pe care poţi să-l urmezi
Atinge un ţel când nu a mai rămas nimic ( de făcut)
Şi lumea se simte goală
Can you feel it in your soul?
And take control
Şi când eşti la pământ şi te simţi singur
Vrei doar să fugi (de toate)
Ai încredere în tine şi nu renunţa
Te ştii mai bine decât oricine
Feel the wind on your shoulder
Let go of yesterday...