Hatsune Miku - Senbonzakura
大胆不敵に ハイカラ革命 磊々落々(らいらいらくらく)反戦国家 日の丸印の二輪車転がし 悪霊退散 ICBM 環状線を走り抜けて 東奔西走なんのその 少年少女戦国無双 浮世の随(まにま)に 千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君ノ声モ届カナイヨ 此処は宴 鋼の檻 その断頭台で見下ろして 三千世界 常世之闇(とこよのやみ) 嘆ク唄モ聞コエナイヨ 青藍(せいらん)の空 遥か彼方 その光線銃で打ち抜いて 百戦錬磨の見た目は将校 いったりきたりの花魁(おいらん)道中 アイツもコイツも皆で集まれ 聖者の行進 わんっ つー さん しっ 禅定門(ぜんじょうもん)を潜り抜けて 安楽浄土厄払い きっと終幕(さいご)は大団円 拍手の合間に 千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君ノ声モ届カナイヨ 此処は宴 鋼の檻 その断頭台で見下ろして 三千世界 常世之闇(とこよのやみ) 嘆ク唄モ聞コエナイヨ 希望の丘 遥か彼方 その閃光弾を打ち上げろ 環状線を走り抜けて 東奔西走なんのその 少年少女戦国無双 浮世の随(まにま)に 千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君ノ声モ届カナイヨ 此処は宴 鋼の檻 その断頭台を飛び降りて 千本桜 夜ニ紛レ 君が歌い僕は踊る 此処は宴 鋼の檻 さあ光線銃を撃ちまくれHatsune Miku - Senbonzakura - http://ru.motolyrics.com/hatsune-miku/senbonzakura-lyrics-english-translation.html
Hatsune Miku - Senbonzakura (千本桜) (Английский перевод)
The brave and stylish revolution
This courageous anti-war country
By spinning this motorcycle emblazoned with Japan's flag
Defeat the evil spirits, ICBM
Run along the loop line, you gotta be on the move, it's nothing
Boys and girls remain unparalleled, following the flow of this meaningless world
A thousand cherry trees, blending into the night, even your voice can't reach here
There's a feast over here, a cage made of steel, looking down from that scaffold
Three thousand worlds, unchanging darkness, even mourning voice can't be heard
Clear and clean skies, a far way other side, break through it with that light beam gun
A general trained with hundreds of wars
A courtesan who wander around nervously
You, and you, too, everyone gather up
The saints go marching in, one, two, three, four
Quit committing yourself to Buddha, go purify and bless the world
Everyone will applaud for you in the end, that's for sure
A thousand cherry trees, blending into the night, even your voice can't reach here
There's a feast over here, a cage made of steel, looking down from that scaffold
Three thousand worlds, unchanging darkness, even mourning voice can't be heard
The hill of hope, far way other side, shoot up that flash bang
Boys and girls remain unparalleled, following the flow of this meaningless world
A thousand cherry trees, blending into the night, even your voice cannot reach here
There's a feast over here, a cage made of steel, jump off that scaffold
A thousand cherry trees, blending into the night, you sing and I dance
There's a feast over here, a cage made of steel, shoot up the light beam gun
Hatsune Miku - Senbonzakura - http://ru.motolyrics.com/hatsune-miku/senbonzakura-lyrics-english-translation.html