Grup Vitamin - Endişe-i muhabbet
Nedir moruk bu dünyanın hali
Hava kirli, ozon falan yani
Bu gidişle bir kaç sene sonra
Gaz maskesiz çıkma abi Biz ne desek anlamıyorlar
Yani bu iş burda bitti
Siz dünyanın içine ededurun
Bizden günah gitti( Düşene bir tekme de biz vuruyoruz
Var mı bir diyeceğiniz
Bilmem bu hormonlu meyveleri
Nerenize netceniz Endişe-i muhabbet Biz bu dünyayı bizim sandık
Çalıp söylemekten usandık
Dünya, çevre, barış yılları
Anlaşıldı tufalara geldik Demek ki netice hatice olmuş
*it is proverb in Turkey ''Dont look at Hatice
at the Netice
Durumlar yengenGrup Vitamin - Endişe-i muhabbet -
İ am sorry biraz bozulmuş Ekolojik dengen Yandı orman çaktı şimşek(forest burned,it flashed
Faili bilinmiyor
Aslında gayet iyi biliniyor
Babam öyle diyor Endişe-i muhabbet
Şu dünyadaki en mutlu kişi
Parayı bulup köşe olandır
Dürüstüm demek büyük yalandır
Bu sene modadır sen de dolandır Atasözlerimiz bir garip
Nedeni bilinmiyor
Karpuz kabuğu düşmeden
Denize girilmiyor
(*it is a proverb in Turkey,you know waterlemon is fruit in summer and when you started to eat this fruit,its mean summer came and you can go to swim.) Herhalde atalarımız da(l think other people before us
Pek çevreci sayılmıyor
Siz bu dünyayı sevmiyorsunuz
O da zaten size bayılmıyor
Grup Vitamin - Endişe-i muhabbet (Английский перевод)
what is the condtion of this gaffer world?
air is dirty,ozone etc l mean
with this going after several years later
dont go without gas-mask,sibling
they dont understand what we say
it s mean this is finished in here
you continue to be worth to this world
Bizden günah gitti(
we are giving a kick to who fell down
have you got any word to it?
l dont know with this hormone fruit
what will you do
anxiety conversation
we thought this world is ours
we are tired to play and sing
worls,environment,peace years
we understood we are in rout
thats mean Netice was Hatice
a name in Turkish for girls
netice means result at the same time one girls name)it is meandont spread at first wait for result!
condition is complexGrup Vitamin - Endişe-i muhabbet -
we are sorry your ecologic balance was going bad a little
Yandı orman çaktı şimşek(forest burned,it flashed
it is unknown who is responsible
but it is actually known
my father said like this
anxiety conversation
the happiest person in the world is
who find money and escape
to say l am honest is the biggest lie
it is fashion this year,you swindle,too
our proverbs are a little strange
the reason isnt known
without watherlemon's cover fall down
no to go swim in the sea
*it is a proverb in Turkey,you know waterlemon is fruit in summer and when you started to eat this fruit,its mean summer came and you can go to swim.
Herhalde atalarımız da(l think other people before us
they didnt think about environmental
you dont love this world
and the world doesnt admire for you too