Grease Soundtrack - Summer Nights
Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
'Met a girl crazy for me
'Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights Tell me more, tell me more
Did you get very far
Tell me more, tell me more
Like does he have a car She swam by me, she got a cramp
He ran by me, got my suit damp
I saved her life, she nearly drown
He showed off splashing around
Summer sun, something's begun but oh oh the summer nights Tell me more, tell me more
Was it love at first sight
Tell me more, tell me more
Did she put up a fight Took her bowling in the arcade
We went strolling, drank lemonade
We made out under the darkGrease Soundtrack - Summer Nights -
We stayed out till ten o'clock
Summer flying don't mean a thing but oh oh the summer nights Tell me more, tell me more
But you don't gotta brag
Tell me more, tell me more
Cause he sounds like a drag He got friendly, holding my hand
She got friendly, down in the sand
She was sweet, just turned eighteen
Well she was good, you know I mean
Summer heat, boys and girls meet but oh oh the summer nights Tell me more, tell me more
how much dough did he spend
Tell me more, tell me more
Could she get me a friend It turned colder, that's where it ends
So I told her we'd still be friends
Then we made our true love vow
Wonder what she's doing now
Summer dreams ripped at the seams but oh those summer nights Tell me more, tell me more
Grease Soundtrack - Ljetne noći (Хорватский перевод)
Ljetna ljubav udarila me je kao grom
Ljetna ljubav desila se tako brzo
Upoznao sam djevojku ludu za mnom
Upoznala sam momka slatkog kao šećer
Ljetni dani plove daleko do oh oh te ljetne noći
Reci još, reci još
Da li si otišao predaleko?
Reci još, reci još
Na primjer ima li auto?
Plivala je kraj mene uhvatio ju je grč
Trčao je kraj mene, navlažio mi odjeću
Spasio sam joj život, skoro se utopila
Pravio se važan prskajući okolo
Ljetno sunce, nešto je počelo ali oh oh te ljetne noći
Reci još, reci još
Da li je to bila ljubav na prvi pogled?
Reci još, reci još
Da li se protivila?
Odveo sam je na kuglanje u arkadu
Lutali smo, pili limunadu
Ljubili smo se u mrakuGrease Soundtrack - Summer Nights -
Ostali smo vanka do 10 sati
Ljeto leti ne znači ništa ali oh oh te ljetne noći
Reci još, reci još
Ali ne moraš se hvaliti
Reci još, reci još
Jer on zvuči kao kreten
Prijateljski mi je držao ruku
Prijateljski se bacila na pijesak
Bio je sladak, tek je napunio 18
Pa bila je dobra, znate na što mislim
Ljetna vrućina, momci i djevojke se upoznaju ali oh oh te ljetne noći
Reci još, reci još
Koliko je novaca potrošio?
Reci još, reci još
Imali prijateljicu za mene?
Zahladnilo je, i tu sve završava
Pa sam joj rekao da ćemo ostati prijatelji
Onda smo napravili našu pravu ljubav wow
Pitam se što sada radi
Ljetni snovi ostavili su ožiljak ali oh te ljetne noći