Grasu XXL - La adapost
Ma gandesc la tot ce-a fost
Chiar daca stiu ca-i dureros
Si cand simt ca nu mai pot
Alerg la adapost... Asta-i o scrisoare, am pus in ea un pic de soare
Am pus lacrimi pe foaie pt sora mea mai mare
Lacrimi de bucurie, ca n-am de ce sa plang
Ca asa a fost sa fie si acum va spun la toti pe rand,
Razand, ca-s cel mai norocos
Am langa mine oameni care imi ofera adapost
M-ai ridicat de jos,m-ai sters,mi-ai zis fratie,
Nu fi prost,urmeaza tot ce-i mai frumos
Si acum ca incepe tot n-am cum sa-ti multumesc
O sa spui ca n-am de ce, ba da pt ca traiesc
Hai sa ma vezi cat sunt de plin de viata
Astept un nepotel, astept sa-l vad cum o sa creasca
Stiu ce o sa simta, si eu am fost crescut de tine
Nu exista adapost mai bun decat cand sunt cu tine
Fratie tine, mi-ai zis sa nu o scriu,
Am scris-o, iarta-ma altfel nu am cum sa fiu Refren:
Ma gandesc la tot ce-a fost
Chiar daca stiu ca-i dureros
Si cand simt ca nu mai pot
Alerg la adapost... N-o sa spun,n-o sa zic,n-o sa scriu
Foaia e murdara,s-a murdarit incet,stiu
Anii trec si-ti mananci ficatu-n tine
Ca ai crescut cum m-ai crescut,tata tine
Asa pot sa vorbesc si eu cu tine
Ai plecat devreme cu o parte din mine
Si am devenit barbat, de fapt stiiGrasu XXL - La adapost -
Te uiti la mine zi de zi,
Fiecare secunda din fiecare zi,
Ma adapostesc in imagini vii
Cum vii cu bani si-i pui pe masa
In fiecare dimineata, mama prin casa,
Eram in siguranta. Fa curat in camera,dragos
Ca mananci bataie. mai tarziu mama
Mi-aduc aminte pe foaie
Tot ce n-am facut si as fi vrut
Si acum am scut, nu mai arat ca doare Refren:
Ma gandesc la tot ce-a fost
Chiar daca stiu ca-i dureros
Si cand simt ca nu mai pot
Alerg la adapost... Stii, ei nu sunt fratii mei pe bune
Dar sunt un norocos ca i-am gasit dintr-atata lume
Si ma iubesc si ii iubesc si innebunesc
Ca nu sunt langa mine,am unde sa ma adapostesc
N-am cum sa ocolesc,m-au ajutat sa cresc
Sa spun tot ce gandesc, vorbesc
Cu ei acum cand scriu si ma asculta sigur
Ca singur, eu nu am cum sa fiu
Si n-am de unde sa stiu ce o sa se intample in continuare
Dar daca ei is cu mine atunci astept cu nerabdare
Viata e frumoasa, desi te pune la incercare
Traieste-o fratioare, bucura-te in continuare
Si striga tare cand esti fericit sau cand te doare
Suntem cu totii oameni cu caracteru-n buzunare
Chiar si cu atat avem atat de mult
Grasu XXL - To the shelter (Английский перевод)
I think of all that was
Even though I know it's painful
And when I feel I can't anymore
I run to the shelter
This is a letter I introduced a little sun to it
I layed tears on the sheet for my older sister
Happy tears, cause I have no reasons to cry
It was written like this and now I tell you all
Laughing, cause i'm the luckiest
I have people near me who offer me a shelter
You upended me from the ground,you wiped me, called me brotherhood
Don't be stupid,all that is the most beautiful comes next
And now that it beginns I still can't find a way to thank you
You will tell me I don't need to, but i do because I am alive
Come to see me I am full of life
I am expecting for a grandchild,I'm waiting to see him grow up
I know what he will feel, I was grown up by you too
There is no better shelter that when I am with you
Brotherhood hear you have it, you told me not to write it
I wrote it, forgive me, I can't be otherwise
I think of all that was
Even though I know it's painful
And when I feel I can't anymore
I run to the shelter
I won't tell, I won't say, I won't write
The sheet is dirty, it got spotted slowly, I know
The years pass and you eat your liver within you
That u grown up like u grow me up, daddy hold
This way I also can talk with you
You left early with a piece from me
And i became a men, as a matter of fact you knowGrasu XXL - La adapost -
You look at me day by day
Every second from every day
I put up in live images
How you come with money and lay them on the table
In every morning, mom around the house
I was safe. Clean your room, Dragos
Cause I'll kick your ***, later mom
I remember the sheet
All that I haven't done and would have wanted to
And now i have a shield, I don't show that it hurts anymore
I think of all that was
Even though I know it's painful
And when I feel I can't anymore
I run to the shelter
I know, they are not my real brothers
But I am lucky to have found them from so many people
And they love me and I love them and I go crazy
That they are not beside me, I have a place to put up
I can't eschew, they helped me grow up
To tell all that I am thinking, I talk
With them now when I write and they surely listen to me
Because alone, I cannot be
And I can't know what will happen next
But if they are with me then I wait anxiosuly
Life is beautiful, even though it doesn't assay you
Live it little brother, keep on enjoying it
And scream out loud when you are happy or whern it hurts
We are all people with our characters in our pockets
Even so we have so many