Биография Gonzaguinha
Biography INFANCY Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento Junior was born on September 22, 1945, in Rio de Janeiro, legitimate child of Luiz Gonzaga, the king of baião, and Odaléia Guedes dos Santos, Brazil singer of Dancing. "I come from a professional Odaléia those who stick cards and occasionally go up on stage, she crossed with my father and suddenly I came" (Gonzaguinha) The mother died of tuberculosis still very young, with only 22 years old, leaving Gonzaguinha orphan to two years, and father, can not care for the boy because they traveled throughout Brazil, handed it to the godparents "Dina (Leopoldina Xavier de Castro) and Xavier (Henrique Xavier), Bahia guitar of the sidewalks of Copacabana, the saucer in the area of mangrove, hill of San Carlos was they who created me and why I play guitar. (Gonzaguinha) The first letters Gonzaguinha learned in a local school, but the real lessons of life received by the slopes of the hill. When boy, to get some money, carrying bags at the fair. Moleque Luizinho - his nickname from childhood, would aprontando their own. Kites, depilated, balls of gude, toy top and hazards of childhood. As the three times that furou the left eye. At first, with a stone, then with a slingshot and, in gomoku of bed, with that lost 80% of the vision of that eye. In the carnival fugia with Pafúncio, a seller of crabs who lived nearby and was a member of the wing of the United composers of San Carlos, from there, samba is definitely in his life. In the streets of Estácio, Gonzaguinha would grow between the malandragem of moleques of street and the affection of godmother. The father, received the name of certificate, money to pay for studies and some sporadic visits. Immersed in the day-to-day atribulado of the population, Gonzaguinha was learning the harsh life of a marginal, injustice experienced daily by a portion of society that had no access to anything. The learning music has been done at home even by listening to the godfather guitar and trying to do the same: "We always played an instrument and could come to play well, being a professional musician, something that I am not. I am a composer and an interpreter who also plays guitar, the more I am not a musician or intention to fly me to be so "(Gonzaguinha) When small, Gonzaguinha heard Lupicínio Rodrigues, Jamelão and the music from his father. I would like to bolero and was assiduous freqüentador of programs sertanejos. Ouvia too much Portuguese music, because D. Dina adotiva mother and his godmother, was the daughter of Portuguese and has been linked to family traditions. YOUTH At fourteen years, Gonzaguinha wrote his first composition: Souvenirs of the spring. Shortly later, and From U.S. festival composed of Piaui, which his father gravaria in 1967. In 1961, Gonzaguinha, who was completing 16 years, was living with his father in Cocotá. Xavier and Dina could not provide studies for the boy, who wanted to study economics. This year Gonzaguinha studied much, ever since then repeated a year, read all the newspapers and kept everything in a bag in tow, he said that these newspapers could help him in the studies. Only after he formed is played all out. Trancado in the fourth, studied economics and played guitar. When rising, went to the beach playing football, his other passion. As I did on the hillside of San Carlos, and never forgot the time lunch came. On December 61, was the first car accident of his life, on a journey with his father and a friend, the box to change the car enguiçou, that occurred in Rio, towards Miguel Pereira, Gonzagão was one months hospitalized, and Gonzaguinha only suffered a major fright. The disagreements with Helena, wife of Gonzagão, have made the boy being finished in an internal college. Maybe it was from there that the "man" Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento Junior has begun to outline. Not only has the Classic Course, and joined the Faculty of Economic Sciences Candido Mendes (Rio de Janeiro). Whoever had it all not to give in any way, began to show the public aware socially and politically. The beginning of friendship with Ivan Lins and some other Jaceguai began on the street, where he lived in Tijuca the psychiatrist Aluízio Porto Carrero, a man who liked to take people to his house for long conversations, games of cards or a wheel of guitar. It was in this house that Gonzaguinha met Angela, his first wife, mother of his two older children, Daniel and Fernanda. Of the wheels of guitar in the house of the NAM was born psychiatrist (Artistic Movement University) and his shares were names like Ivan Lins, Aldir Blanc, Paulo Emilio, César Costa Filho. "We were a group with pretensions to break the barriers of the labour market, with the awareness that the festivals not projected anyone" (Ivan Lins). The NAM would sucked by TV Globo that in 1971 launched the "Sound free export." In the first two months things have walked well and the group has great success. Turning this period, the time of renewal of contract, the Globe just wanted Ivan Lins, Gonzaguinha and César Costa Filho. At the beginning they tried to remain united, "the basis of the whole world or signs or no signs." After the first day, the large sums involved, the personal differences and other factors cindiram the group. The program continued for another few weeks, driven by Ivan lins, which is what most vacilou in defending the group. "This was not something I am more or less strong that Ivan. It is a structural issue. That's it. My image of antipathy did not allow me that people try to coopt. That left me very far. (Gonzaguinha) It was at that time which broadcast the image of Gonzaguinha as an artist aggressive, reaching a journalist to call it, "singer hatred." For the composer, his aggressiveness was created by the system to sell him more. In 1973, Gonzaguinha participated in the program featuring the music Flavio Cavalcanti General in the bidding behavior promoted by the program. The jurors were apavorados with the letter that said "You must learn to lower his head and always say thank you / These are words that still leave you because they say well disciplined man / It should only do it for the good of the nation that everything is sorted" . Much controversy, a warning of censorship, but in compensation, the compact written by composer, who was stuck on the shelves of stores, exhausted in a few days and almost as soon Gonzaguinha pulava of anonymity for the parades of success in radio and was invited Tamoio to record a new disc. As was to provide those years of lead, the dissemination of music was once banned throughout the national territory and Gonzaguinha "invited" to provide clarification on the dops. It would be the first of many visits to the composer of organ public. To write 18 songs, 72 Gonzaguinha submitted to censorship - 54 were vetoed! Despite all the persecution, Gonzaguinha never ceased to disseminate their work: whether in driblava discs where the censors with allegorical songs, whether in concerts where, in addition to singing the songs that could not be played on radios, Gonzaguinha not be contained and expressed their views and their concerns about the path that took the nation. MATURIDADE In 1975, Gonzaguinha down the business and this was crucial to his career, second Gonzaguinha the advantage of working independent of the entrepreneurs is that the artist maintains contacts with various people, which contributes to recover if the basic human labour. The year 1975 was particularly important in the life of the composer: having contracted tuberculosis, Gonzaguinha had to spend eight months at home and took the time to meditate and reflect on itself. In this period just reaching some important conclusions. "I found a whole should resume spontaneity in terms of presentation, to be on stage as if he were anywhere else" (Gonzaguinha) The year 1975 also marked the beginning of their trips by Brazil, which ran the entire country of guitar. With this, managed to solidify the foundations of their national art and discovered the importance of his father in Brazilian popular music. In 1976, Gonzaguinha recorded the LP start Another All Time. The disc, according to the author, represented the ability to go back to the beginning careers, resume the lost spontaneity and "take the consistency of a work that has been extending for a long time" After that, his career was a series of successes, both in live presentations and in several LPs that launched, including life Gonzaguinha (1979), Most Improved, Big Thing (1981), Hello, Hello Brazil (1983), in the whole trajectory, Gonzaguinha has shown, next to indisputable artistic qualities, a great coherence of ideas about art, life and the political dimension of man. His last 12 years of life, Gonzaguinha passed them on the side of Louise Margarete Martins -- The Lelete. This relationship was born Mariana, his daughter. Until today Lelete and Mariana living in Belo Horizonte, a city where Gonzaguinha lived for ten years. Life in Mine, more calm, with long rides a bicycle around the pond of Pampulha, marked a more introspective period of his career. The musician devoted themselves to find new sounds is divided between long periods at home and lengthy tours of concerts by country. The most important of these may have been touring with the show "Life of Solo", beside the father Luiz Gonzaga, in 1981. Not just a show, "Life of Solo" sealed the reunion of father and son, the intersection of two styles, Brazil sertanejo baião of striking the United States of urban songs with social commitment and passion only one - the stage. If "Every artist has to go where the people are," there were father and son leaving mágoas, estrangement, resentment in the dust of the roads. Traveling together for almost a year, more than was waived - became friends. There was no reconciliation, there was understanding. ACCIDENT The accident that took the life of Luiz Gonzaga junior, happened on the morning of April 29, 1991, occurred at kilometer 30 of the BR-280, between the municipalities and quince renaissance in the region southwest of Parana, about 420 kilometers of Curitiba. The Monza headed by Gonzaguinha fought in front of truck F-4000 with a plate of Marmeleiro (PR), Gonzaguinha yet reached policlínica be moved to San Francisco de Paula, Francisco Beltrão which came without life Passengers who travelled with the Cantor, her businessman Renato Duarte and Aristide Manoel Pereira da Silva, were interned in the same policlínica in a coma, both had head trauma. The Renato was the only survivor. According to a police road patrulheiro of state, said that possibly the sun hurt the vision of the driver of the small truck, belonging to a slaughterhouse. The driver crossed the runway to come to earth on a road leading to the slaughterhouse and reached the Monza. In the asphalt, it was the mark of the brake of the car by almost 50 meters. Gonzaguinha was on target to Foz do Iguacu, where there take a plane destined for Florianopolis, for the achievement of six concerts in Santa Catarina.
Тексты популярных песен Gonzaguinha
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