Gladys Knight - Help Me Make It Trought The Night
I'm imagining
A lot of happy people
And most of you are with
Someone you love Well, you are the lucky ones
All over the world, there are
Lots of people who are alone tonight I imagine most of us have
Been it that situation
At one time or another
I know I have Recently, I heard a beautiful song
With a dynamic lyric that really
Expresses this feeling of lonlieness It means a lot to me, personally
And I'd like to share with you
I think you'll see what I mean Take the ribbon from my hair
Shake it loose and let it fall
Laying soft against your skinGladys Knight - Help Me Make It Trought The Night -
Like the shadows on the wall Come and lay down by my side
Til the early morning light
All I'm taking is your time
Help me make it through the night I don't care what's right or wrong
And I won't try to understand
Let the devil take tomorrow
Oh, tonight I need a friend Yesterday is dead and gone
And tomorrow's out of sight
And it's so sad to be alone
Help me make it through the night Lord, it's so sad to be alone
Help me make it through the night
Lead me through the night
Come on and take me through the night
Through the night
Gladys Knight - Pomozi Mi Da Prebrodim Ovu Noć (Сербский перевод)
Mnogo srećnih ljudi
I većina vas je sa
Onom osobom koju voli
Dakle,vi ste srećnici
Širom sveta,postoje,
Mnogi ljudi koju su večeras usamljeni
Smatam da su mnogi od nas
Bili u takvoj sigutaciji
Ovaj ili neki drugi put
Znam da ja jesam
Nedavno sam čula jednu prelepu pesmu
Sa tako dinamičnim rečima koje
Zaista izražavaju taj dobro poznati osećaj samoće
Meni lično,mnogo znači
I volela bih da je podelim sa vama
Mislim da ćete videti na šta mislim
Uzmi traku sa moje kose
Prodrmaj,izgubi i pusti je neka padne
Nežno se spušta na tvoju kožuGladys Knight - Help Me Make It Trought The Night -
Poput senki na zidu
Dodji i lezi pored mene
Do rane jutarnje svetlosti
Samo ti oduzimam vreme
Pomozi mi da prebrodim ovu noć
Ne zanima me šta je ispravno,a šta pogrešno
I neću pokušati ni da razumem
Dopusti da djavo odnese sutrašnjicu
Oh,večeras mi je ptreban prijatelj
Juče je prošlo i nestalo
A sutra je van vidika
I tako je tužno biti sam
Pomozi mi da prebrodim ovu noć
Gospode,tako je tužno biti sam
Pomozi mi da prebrodim ovu noć
Vodi me kroz ovu noć
Dodji i vodi kroz ovu noć
Kroz ovu noć