Ghita Munteanu - Diamante si smaralde
Poate privirea m-a fermecat de nu te pot uita..
Sau poate gura ce far'oprire ti-as vrea'saruta..
Esti patimasa si toti baietii sa te aibe'ar vrea..
Dar nu au sansa caci tu mereu vei fi numai a mea... Diamante si smaralde,iti dau in dar ca stii ca te iubesc
De vrei chiar luna dintre stele am sa o fur ca sa ti-o daruiesc.....Ghita Munteanu - Diamante si smaralde -
Diamante si smaralde iti dau in dar ca stii ca te iubesc...
De vrei chiar luna dintre stele am sa o fur ca sa ti-o daruiesc... Esti ca o ploaie ce cade in desertul insetat...
Esti o comoara ce'apari in casa omului sarac...
Te iau la mine s'am sa-ti ofer toata iubirea mea...
Caci stii tu bine doar langa mine simti ce-ï dragostea...
Ghita Munteanu - Diamonds and emeralds (Английский перевод)
Your look charmed me that I can't forget you
Or maybe the mouth I would like to kiss continuously
You're passionate and all the boys would like to have you
But they don't have a chance because you'll always be mine
Diamonds and emeralds I offer you as a gift for you to know that I love you
If you want even the moon from between the stars I will steal and give it to youGhita Munteanu - Diamante si smaralde -
Diamonds and emeralds I offer you as a gift for you to know that I love you
If you want even the moon from between the stars I will steal and give it to you
You're like the rain falling in the thirsty dessert
You're a treasure that appears in the poor man's house
I take you with me and I will give you all my love
Because you know it well, only by my side, you feel what love is