Gheorghe Gheorghiu - Unde dragoste nu e
Au fost o vreme impreuna
Si-aveau atatea zeci de ganduri
Sa-ti spun povestea lor iubito?
Dar tu citeste-o printre randuri. Ar fi trecut neluati in seama
Cu traiul lor cel fara vina
Chiar daca eu stiam ce-ascunde:
Si fantezie si lumina REFREN:
Dar unde dragoste nu e, nimic nu e
Nici soare nu-i, nici viata nu-iGheorghe Gheorghiu - Unde dragoste nu e -
Iar eu ma simt al nimanui.
Acolo unde nu esti tu(bis) Au fost o vreme impreuna
Doua straine emisfere
Calatoreau acei doi tineri
Prin anotimpuri efemere. De la prieteni de la rude,
Luau duminici cu imprumut
Stiau mai bine ca oricine
Sa le transforme ïn trecut
Gheorghe Gheorghiu - Unde dragoste[a] nu e (Английский перевод)
They were together for a while
And they had so many tens of thoughts
Should I tell you their story, baby?
But you should read it between the lines
They would have passed unnoticed
With their faultless existence
Even if I knew what it was hidding
Both fantasy and light
But where there is no love, there is nothing
There is no sun, there is no lifeGheorghe Gheorghiu - Unde dragoste nu e -
And I feel I belong to nobody
There where you are not
They were together for a while
Two stranger emispheres
Those two young people used to travel
Through ephemeral seasons
From friends, from relatives
They used to borrow Sundays
They knew better than anyone
To transform them into past