
Izgubljeni snovi перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Frenkie - Izgubljeni snovi

Idi sad druže moj
ljubavi pozdrav mi
odnesi mojoj ti
Putu mom tu je kraj,
umoran ovdje ja cu stati,
želim mir. Na kraju svake priče ti ostanu lijepi snovi,
mastovite price o lovi, sjećanja na lijepe dane. Ja rušim zidove iz glave, gledam život sa strane,
posmatram stare jarane koji pucaju kao grane. Ponekad je strah me
slušat' te priče, šta me se tiče,
a treb'o sam poslušat'
barem jedno biće,
najboljeg jarana koji upomoć
viče, viče, viče, viče, viče... Prestani pričat'
o tim furkama na drogi,
super je tebi na bobi,
al' to je samo stepenica niže,
dan dolazi bliže. Kad će ti ona dojaditi
i prestat' da te diže,
i vec vidim hitna kako stiže,
a tebi u ruci igla je zabodena. Stara ti je dozivjela slom
i u bolnicu odvedena
a tvoj stari se na sahrani
na mene dere što te nisam pazio.
Ja sam tek to shvatio
kad sam sliku u džep stavio
sad ti gledam sliku... I sjećam se kad smo pili,
prvi put travu pušili
i govorili: "Jebo hemiju!"
Treb'o si mi biti kum,
dvije glave, jedan um. Prije sam mog'o puno više uticat' na tebe,
a sad listam proslo vrijeme
gledam gdje smo pali.
Ali nema, buraz, jedno poglavlje
u toj priči fali.
Prije smo se talili za albume nove,
onda si se talio za bobe. I rok'o tramale kod rođe,
i non stop si zvao mene
na rave party da dođem.
Kako pomoć' drugom
ako tim putem pođem? Nikad se nisam fur'o na ulogu vođe,
al' kod tebe sam fakat
jedno vrijeme možda čak i treb'o.
Primijetio sam jer si me drugačije gled'o. Nisi k'o prije se zez'o,
al' mi nisi nikad nista rek'o.
Možda si me tako
ustvari upomoć zvao,
al' ja to nisam znao. Samo da si mi jedan znak dao
i onu jaknu kad si prod'o
ja sam kasnije skont'o zašto.
Im'o si dug kod dilera,
on ti nije prašt'o. One priče o skidanju sad znam da si mašt'o.
Prije sam ti vjerov'o, a kasnije si me samo lag'o. Jedan bez drugog prije nije nigdje mako,Frenkie - Izgubljeni snovi -
kasnije si fur'o s kim si stig'o
i gdje god si lovu dig'o. Sve si s nekim lafo jaranima
na gudro spičk'o.
Govorio si kako su ti oni pravi jarani,
al' svako je vidio
da je to interes ustvari. "De mi, Frenkie, cenera pozajmi,
sutra navrati,
i jebo mater ako ti ja to sve
sutra odmah ne vratim,
najkasnije tad." Sve sam treb'o znat',
al' nisam mog'o vjerovat'.
Sad se osjećam krivim,
ne mogu da se pomirim
i taj gubitak da primim. Da sam te bar kod tvojih roditelja izd'o
kad si onog taksistu zbog onih par maraka izb'o. I onaj nakit kad si onog dana od stare ukr'o,
skont'o sam da si preduboko u to sranje up'o. Sitnice bude u meni one lude slike stare,
zajednicke gide i upute tvoje kak' se cure bare. I tvoj mlađi brat na tebe sad pravo liči.
Nekad kad ga vidim zovem ga imenom tvojim. Al' za njega se ne bojim
on neće tvojim putem ići,
svaki dan na trening piči.
S tim će još daleko stići. Biće pravi jebač
k'o što smo uvijek govorili.
Mi smo se za trebe borili,
a njemu dolaze sad same,
i to ne one glupače k'o nama,
nego prave dame. I uvijek kad ga vidim, jako k'o tebe ga grlim.
Stara ti od onog dana nije baš više ista. I dalje ti je soba čista, nikom ne da da dira išta.
Uvijek pita jel' neka tvoja stara majica kod mene.
Jer treba da bude sve čisto i spremno za tebe.
Uvijek se ježim kad s njom u istoj sobi sjedim. A brat svaki dan čvrsto grli i ljubi nju,
a ona priča s tobom k'o da si za stolom tu. I uvijek kaže: "Frenkie, vrati majicu
nemoj da bi zaboravio."
Stari ti se popravio,
i on je dosta propatio. Al' ozdravio je,
na kraju svega fino se oporavio.
Često nazove, pita trebal' mi love,
zeza za široke tole,
glumi neke reperske fore. Znaš, bolan, kako nas je uvijek zez'o prije,
samo sad što mu osmijeh na licu isti nije. Nedostaješ mi, brate,
neki ne mogu da shvate
kako tuga tol'ko traje
i zašto ne živim više dalje. Jarane, ne mogu!
K'o da si mi iščup'o nogu.
S tobom umro je i dio mene,
a onaj drugi vene. Sto nastupa sam tebi posvetio
i nadam se da sam se barem malo
promijenio i opametio.
Nisam znao da mi droga
moze druga otet'. Znam, sad ne mogu vratit' vrijeme i ispočetka počet',
al' naveče kad legnem da spavam, vidim te opet i opet. I na kraju svake priče ti ostanu lijepi snovi,
maštovite price o lovi, sjećanja na lijepe dane. Ja rušim zidove iz glave, gledam život sa strane,
posmatram stare jarane koji pucaju kao grane.
Ponekad strah me... Ref. 2x

Английский перевод

Frenkie - Lost dreams (Английский перевод)

Go now, my friend,
and please say hi
to my loved one.
It's the end of my trip.
I'm tired and I'll stop here
'cause I want peace.

At the end of every story you have beautiful dreams,
imaginative stories 'bout money, good memories.

I break the walls in my head, look the life from the side,
watch the old friends who get broken like twigs.

Sometimes I'm afraid of
listening to those stories, they ain't my business,
but I was supposed to listen
at least one being,
my best friend who was screaming:
"Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!"

Stop talking
about these trips when you're high.
Yes, pills make you feel great,
but that's just another step below,
'cause the day is approaching...

When is it going to become unbearable
and stop making you feel awesome?
I can already see the ambulance coming
and you have the needle in your hand.

Your momma had a nervous breakdown
and she was taken to hospital.
And on your funeral your dad yelled at me
'cause I wasn't watching you.
I realized that
when I put your photo in my pocket.
Now I'm looking at it...

And I remember when we used to drink
and smoke pot for the first time
and say: "Fuck the Chemistry!"
You were supposed to be my best man,
we were two heads and one mind.

Before, I had bigger influence on you,
and now I'm passing through the past times,
looking where we fell.
But this chapter
is missing in our story.
Before, we were in love with new albums,
and then you fell in love with the pills.

And you used to take Tramadols at your cousin's
and you were calling me non stop
to join you at the rave party.
How can I help another guy
if I take this trip too?

I have never really liked to play the leader,
but maybe I had to do it
in your case.
I noticed that you looked at me different.

You didn't joke like before any more,
but you never told me anything.
Maybe you were
calling me for help that way,
but I didn't know that.

If only you could give me one sign!
And later I realized
why did you sell that jacket.
You owed your dealer
and he never forgave you.

Now I know that you just made up all these stories about taking off.
I used to trust you before, but later you just lied to me.

We used to be inseparable,Frenkie - Izgubljeni snovi -
later you rolled with everyone
whenever you had some cash.

You and your fake friends
spent all the money on drugs.
You said they were real friends,
but everyone could see
it's just their interest.

"C'mon, Frenkie, borrow me some cash,
come to see me later,
and I swear,
I'll return you everything
tomorrow at the latest."

I had to know it,
but I couldn't believe it.
Now I feel guilty,
I can't make up with myself
and live with that loss.

If I only told your parents
that you stabbed that taxi driver over some small change.

And when you stole your momma's jewellery,
I realized you're way too deep in this shit.

I remember all the crazy stuff,
how we rolled together and your advices about chicks.

And your younger brother looks just like you.
Sometimes when I see him, I call him your name.

But I'm not afraid for him,
he won't follow your way.
Every day he runs to the training,
He could get far with that.

He'll be a real womanizer
how we always used to say.
We had to fight for the girls,
and they approach to him by themselves.
And they're not bitches like ours,
they are true ladies.

And whenever I see him, I hug him like I did with you.
Your momma ain't the same any more.

Your room is still clean, she doesn't let anyone touch anything.
And she always ask if I kept one of your old T-shirts.
Because everything has to be clean and ready for you.
I always creep when I sit in a room with her.

And your brother hugs her every day,
and she talks to you like you are there with her.

And she always says: "Frenkie, return the T-shirt,
don't forget about it!"
Your dad feels better,
but he suffered a lot, too.

But he is healthy now,
he recovered a lot,
He often calls, asks if I need money,
Teases me about my baggy pants,
acts like he's a rapper

You know, man, how he always used to joke with us,
but the smile on his face ain't the same anymore.

I miss you, brother,
some people can't get
why the pain lasts so much
and why I don't live anymore.

I can't, man!
It's like you ripped off my leg.
A part of me died with you,
and another one is dying too.

I've dedicated hundreds of concerts to you
and I hope that I have changed and become smarter
at least for a little bit.
I never knew that drugs
could steal my friend.

I know, I can't return time now and start from the beginning,
but whenever I lie down to sleep, I always see you.

At the end of every story you have beautiful dreams,
imaginative stories 'bout money, good memories.

I break the walls in my head, look the life from the side,
watch the old friends who get broken like twigs.
Sometimes I'm afraid...

Chorus 2x

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