Federico Garcia Lorca
Federico Garcia Lorca

Anda Jaleo перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Federico Garcia Lorca - Anda Jaleo

Yo me alivié a un pino verde
por ver si la divisaba,
y sólo divisé el polvo
del coche que la llevaba.
Anda jaleo, jaleo:
ya se acabó el alboroto
y vamos al tiroteo. No salgas, paloma, al campo,
mira que soy cazador,
y si te tiro y te mato
para mí será el dolor,Federico Garcia Lorca - Anda Jaleo - http://ru.motolyrics.com/federico-garcia-lorca/anda-jaleo-lyrics-english-translation.html
para mí será el quebranto,
Anda, jaleo, jaleo:
ya se acabó el alboroto
y vamos al tiroteo. En la calle de los Muros
han matado una paloma.
Yo cortaré con mis manos
las flores de su corona.
Anda jaleo, jaleo:
ya se acabó el alboroto
y vamos al tiroteo. Submitter's comments:  Thank you so much! This is a wonderful poem-turned song!

Английский перевод

Federico Garcia Lorca - we are going to fight (Английский перевод)

I got on a green pine
be seen whether the sight her,
and only saw dust
the car that carried her.
We are going to revolt
the fuss is over
and let´s go to the shooting.

Do not go, dove, into the field,
carefulness I am hunter
and if I shoot and kill you
for me is the pain,Federico Garcia Lorca - Anda Jaleo - http://ru.motolyrics.com/federico-garcia-lorca/anda-jaleo-lyrics-english-translation.html
for me will be great loss.
We are going to revolt
the fuss is over
and let´s go to the shooting.

In the Walls Street
someone has killed a dove.
I will cut with my hands
the flowers of his crown.
We are going to revolt
the fuss is over
and go to shooting

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