Farid El-Atrache - Naghm Fe Hayati
3alashan malish gheirak, el-leil tesahharni
3alashan ana asirak, dayman me7ayyarni
3alashan 3alashan malish gheirak men awwel yoom ya ghali, khallet el noom yekhaSemni
wa-7awelt ansak, ma neseit gheir 2albi ma3ak
wa-Tawe3t hawak, wa raDeit 2esmeti wayyak
wa raDeit 2esmeti wayyak, 2esmeti wayyak
ya 7ayat 2albi wa-t7ebbe fiyya bass dumou3 dumou3 3eineiyya
wa-tefra7 law yToul el leil 3aliyya
ya 7abibi, ya 7abibi
ahwak waSoun 7obbak
wala agish 3ala balakFarid El-Atrache - Naghm Fe Hayati - http://ru.motolyrics.com/farid-el-atrache/naghm-fe-hayati-lyrics-english-translation.html
wa-dumou3i bet7ebbak
Toul leilha Sa7ya lak
3alashan 3alashan malish gheirak ya 7abib el-3ein, el-3ein 3ayzak
khalliha yomein fel 3omre ma3ak ya 7abibi 7aram la salam wala 7atta kalam
3omr el-ayyam a7lam betmorr 2awam
ya 7ayat 2albi hayigi yoom yedawwar mala2eish fiha
ta3ala nefra7 we7na lessa fiha
ya 7abibi te3ish wa-tethanna be-2albi wa-3azabu
wa3ish ana astanna warDa elli terDabu
3alashan malish gheirak
Farid El-Atrache - Because There's No One For Me But You (Английский перевод)
Because there's no one for me but you, the night keeps me awake
Because I'm your prisoner, you always confuse me
Because, because there's no one for me but you
From the first day, my precious, sleep set itself against me (i.e. I couldn't sleep)
I tried to forget you, (but) I didn't forget anything except my heart with you
I accepted your love, and I was content for my fate to be with you
And I was content for my fate to be with you, my fate with you
Oh my heart's life
And the only thing you love about me is my tears, my eyes' tears
And you rejoice if the night is long for me
Oh my darling, my darling
I love you and I cherish your love
And you don't even think about meFarid El-Atrache - Naghm Fe Hayati - http://ru.motolyrics.com/farid-el-atrache/naghm-fe-hayati-lyrics-english-translation.html
And my tears love you
All night they're awake for you
Because, because there's no one for me but you
My eye's darling, my eye( want you
Take them in your life with you for a couple of days
My darling, it's wrong (to not have any) peace or even talk
As days go by, dreams pass quickly
Oh my heart's life
A day will come when I search but don't find you
Come, let's rejoice while we're still (together)
My darling
You live and are happy in my heart and its torment
While I live waiting, accepting what you accept
Because there's no one for me but you