Erna Dzeba - Ipak ne pipaj
Kad sama ostanem
i kad se probudim
ko lav jos borim se
da ne poludim. Niceg nema tu
jos je tvoje sve
i stvari tvoje su
po podu rasute. Ja sam tu na pola posrnula
u bolu svom sasvim utrnula. REF.
I boli me placem na glas
sto sve je tu a nema nas
dobro i lose vec sam propustilaErna Dzeba - Ipak ne pipaj -
kad sam te iz ruku ispustila. I boli me placem na glas
sto sve je tu a nema nas
sad idem kako je tesko
ne pitaj na celu pise mi
ipak ne pipaj jer ako ne odem
jos ovo vece brzo ce od tebe
da me lijece. Kad proslost sumiram jos vodim ratove
i zeljna gledam jos al tudje svatove
i niceg nema tu jos je tvoje sve
i stvari tvoje su po podu rasute. Ja sam tu na pola posrnula
u bolu svom sasvim utrnula. REF.
Erna Dzeba - However dont touch (Английский перевод)
When I remain alone
and when I wake up
like a lion I'm fighting
to dont get crazy
There is nothing there
everything is still yours
and your stuff
are still on the floor
I'm there half fallen
in my pain completely numbed
And it hurts I'm crying out loud
because everything is still here but us isn't anymore
the good and bad things I've allready missedErna Dzeba - Ipak ne pipaj -
when I put you out of my hands
And it hurts I'm crying out loud
because everything is still here but us isn't anymore
now I'm going though its hard
dont ask at my forehead there's written
however dont touch because if I dont go
this evening they will fast cure me of you
When I sum up the past I'm still leading wars
and I'm eagerly watching weddings of strangers
and nothing is there everything is yours
and your stuff are still on the floor
I'm there half fallen
in my pain completely numbed