Ermal Fejzullahu - Ajo
-I thuaj asaj, me mungon e pi qe t'a haroj
dhe kur vera prap me vjen , AJO qe dhimbje me shkatroj. ERMALI:
-Vllau im as un nuk jam rahat
edhe pse me sheh te lumtur
Vuajtjen tende shum mir e kuptoj
AJO me ka ber te humbur. GENA:
-P'i shtroj dhe po pim sonte
veq per qefin ton ERMALI:
-Thone e mira do te vin edhe pse shum von GENA & ERMALI-ref:
-Sa lot kam derdhur, e nisja kenges
le te degjoj kudo qe t'jetë
Per ato vargje do ta bindin , se mka vrar , e mka lanë Pjesa e dytë....ERMALI:Ermal Fejzullahu - Ajo -
-Ajo nuk me do , me ka braktis, e shum me lendoj
Ishte nat kur me tha shko, me haro , mes nesh çdo gje mbaroj. GENA:
--Vllau im as un nuk jam rahat
edhe pse me sheh te lumtur
Vuajtjen tende shum mir e kuptoj
AJO me ka ber te humbur. ERMALI:
-P'i shtroj dhe po pim sonte
veq per qefin ton. GENA:
-Thone e mira do te vin edhe pse shum von GENA & ERMALI-ref:
-Sa lot kam derdhur, e nisja kenges
le te degjoj kudo qe t'jetë
Per ato vargje do ta bindin , se mka vrar , e mka lanë.
Ermal Fejzullahu - her (Английский перевод)
Tell her , i miss her , and im drinking to forget about her
and when summer comes again, the one who brought so much pain to me
brother i am not fine either
even though to you i seem happy
i understand your sufferingErmal Fejzullahu - Ajo -
she has made me so confused/lost
lets sit and drink tonight together just for our own pleasure
they say good things come even though sometimes Too late
ohh how many tears i have cried, lets sing so wherever she is in the world she will hear .. and these lyrics will convince her that she killed me, she left me
she doesnt love me , she abandoned me , and hurt me so much , it was night she told me go , forget about me , its over between us
brother im not fine either
even though i seem happy to you
i understand your suffering
she has made me so confused/lost